Chapter 1523 The Empty Arena
Bei Ruyue covered her lips and laughed loudly, "We used to play together when we were young, and then we played games together, and you always cried when you lost."

Chu Yuedao was so angry that the hair on the top of her head stood up high, like a pillar supporting the sky, "You also said that was when I was a child, damn it..."

"Haha..." Qin Ge thought it was interesting, and after laughing, he stretched out his hand to help Chu Yuedao smooth his hair, "Xiaoyue Island, she is a girl, so you can't be mad at girls."

Bei Ruyue raised her eyebrows, looking as if she was about to get mad, "That's right, I'm a girl, you can't be angry with me."

Chu Yuedao felt so tired, she turned her head and never paid attention to them again.

Qin Ge tilted his head and explained with a smile: "Princess, don't be angry, Xiaoyue Island has the temper of a child."

Bei Ruyue shrugged indifferently, "I know, I know, I know his petty temper best."

Over there, Liu Cheng also noticed the situation here.

She tugged at the hem of Ye Huansha's clothes, and asked casually: "Miss Ye, who is that woman, and why is she so close to President Cang and the others?"

Ye Huansha looked sideways, and said in a low voice: "She is the second princess of our Great King of the Northern Continent. I heard that she has good medicine refining skills and is quite popular with the King. This status is naturally extraordinary."

Liu Cheng licked her mouth, "Then shall we say hello?"

If you can get acquainted with a princess who is good at refining medicine, wouldn't it be like getting a strong backing?
Ye Huansha probably knew her thoughts, and sneered faintly: "The princess is talking to others, maybe she doesn't like us to disturb her, so let's be quiet."

Liu Cheng flattened her mouth, her face darkened, "Okay..."

Seeing that it was almost time for people to arrive, the nobleman stood up and said, "It's almost time for people to come, let's start the medicine refining competition now."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately cheered.

Bei Ruyue liked the lively atmosphere and clapped her hands with a smile.

Chu Yuedao's face was full of disgust, why didn't she have the noble temperament that she had promised?

The nobleman paused and said again: "The rules of the refining competition are very simple, just like fighting in a ring. Anyone who thinks the refining skills are good can enter the ring."

The nobleman stretched out his finger, and Baili Qinxue saw a ring set up in the center of the big square.

There is a table on each side of the arena, on which some fresh herbs and a small and delicate alchemy furnace are placed.

"Two two compete together. Whoever loses will get out of the ring and let other capable people come up. Whoever can stand at the end will be the winner." The nobleman took a deep breath and said: "Then the quality of the pill is good or bad. Leave it to...Leave it to Guild Master Cang to judge, okay?"

After saying that, the nobleman turned his head to look at Cang Molian.

Cang Molian met his gaze, nodded lightly, "Yes."

Everyone was overjoyed again when they heard that Cang Molian was going to be the referee, it seemed so amazing.

"Then I will thank President Cang here first." The nobleman bowed and smiled.

Cang Molian shook her head, "It's okay."

"Then now, the medicine refining competition will officially begin." The nobleman announced loudly, and after finishing everything, he slumped on the chair tiredly, and the servant girl stepped forward to help him pour water and tea, and squeezed his shoulders.

The competition has already started, but no one dares to go up first. After all, this is a competition for refining medicine, not anything else.

After a long time, the arena was still empty.


(End of this chapter)

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