Chapter 1526 I, I refuse to accept...

The other common people leaned over one after another and asked, "So, who will win, can you tell us quickly?"

"Okay, then I'll say it..."

The waves of discussions were quickly drowned out.

The two of them walked to Cang Molian with the pill in their hands.

Cang Molian's expression was indifferent, and when he felt someone approaching, he raised his eyes and glanced a few times, and said, "Put it on the table, I will take a look."

The two put down the pills in their hands, Cang Molian turned her head sideways, and after a few casual glances, she had an answer in her heart.

"The elixir refined by Lin Jiu is even better." Cang Molian glanced at it lightly, then quickly looked away.

Lin Jiu trembled slightly, a little flattered.

There are so many senior brothers and sisters in the alchemist guild, and Cang Molian was able to say his name accurately, which made him jump for joy.

"President Cang..." Lin Jiu clasped his hands together, his star eyes shining.

Cang Molian fiddled with the tea cups on the table, but said nothing.

Hearing what he said, the nobleman stood up and said, "Since the comments have been made, then the little brother Lin Jiu will win this competition..."

"Wait a moment."

Before the noble could utter the last word, he was interrupted by a burly man beside him.

"What's wrong?" The nobleman was not unhappy, but just curious.

The burly man rolled up his sleeves and looked at Cang Molian with dissatisfaction, "I am not convinced."

The nobleman was taken aback for a moment, this burly man is really bold, to openly question Cang Molian, that kind of courage is really commendable.

Cang Molian raised her head, her eyes were clear, and she stared at the burly man for a moment, "Why don't you accept it?"

The burly man was taken aback, and Cang Molian actually took the initiative to talk to him, and his tone was so calm, and his temperament was like the flower of Gaoling, which made people feel very stressed.

The burly man took a deep breath and said, "Our two elixirs are both low-grade, and the quality is the same. Why is my elixir not as good as this little radish's?"

Cang Molian didn't speak, but still looked at him lightly.

"Haha..." Bei Ruyue shook her legs, laughed and said, "So what if the level and quality are the same? The fineness of your elixir is different."

Bei Ruyue picked up the two pills and put them under the sun to look at them carefully, "If you take a closer look at the pills of this big man, you can see a layer of turbidity permeating the surface, so the effect of the pills will be reduced accordingly However, the quality of this little brother Lin Jiu's elixir is very good. You see, this elixir is so round and crystal clear under the sun, which shows that there are very few impurities in it, and the effect can be corresponding increased."

Chu Yuedao couldn't help admiring what she said clearly and logically.

Bei Ruyue glanced at Chuyue Island triumphantly, then raised her red lips and said, "So, in summary, little brother Lin Jiu's elixir won, and it was the kind that won steadily, this big man, don't you Do you have an opinion?"

Hearing this, the burly man froze in place.

It seems very reasonable, and his elixir seems to be really opaque, there are really a lot of impurities...

He pursed his lips, then turned his head to look at Cang Molian, hoping to hear something from his mouth.

"The princess is right." Cang Molian's voice was flat, "It's true in terms of fineness, you don't have to feel wronged."

The burly man clenched his fists in shame and anger, "I understand..."

After all, just walk away.


(End of this chapter)

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