Chapter 1528 This princess is so funny...

Bei Ruyue was amused by his terrified little eyes, she quickly curled her lips and said with a smile: "Little Luobotou, are you afraid of me?"

She is not tall, even a little shorter than Lin Jiu, so when the word "little carrot head" came out of her mouth, Lin Jiu always felt it was very subtle.

Lin Jiu raised her eyes, looked directly at Bei Ruyue and said, "I'm not afraid, no matter how strong the opponent is, I will go all out."

In an instant, his pitch-black eyes were extremely bright, like a night sky full of stars, twinkling with light.

Bei Ruyue trembled slightly, and was instantly attracted by the emotion in his eyes, she stepped forward, put her paw on his shoulder and said with a smile: "You are quite interesting, sister, I think you are very promising, haha. "

The princesses in his impression are all high-ranking, and dogs look down on others, but this princess seems to be a little different.

It looks kind and a little funny...

After Lin Jiu poked and observed a few times, the awe in his heart also subsided a little, and he said, "Thanks to the auspicious words, then let's start the competition."

"Okay." Bei Ruyue stretched out her small paw, and patted him hard on the shoulder a few times.

Such a strong internal force...

Lin Jiu bowed her back and was almost shot internally.

Bei Ruyue found a table with a smile and stood there, completely unaware of what she had just done.

Lin Jiu rubbed her shoulders and stood by the table.

Hey, the princess looks cute and weak, but her strength is so strong, it's terrifying.

Before the aristocrat said to start, the two had already started processing the medicinal herbs.

Baili Qinxue looked up, and saw that the two of them handled the medicinal herbs in a similar way, they were both so casual, but Bei Ruyue seemed to be more natural and skillful.

In terms of the way of handling medicinal herbs, Bei Ruyue is better.

Baili Qinxue held her fingertips and watched with interest.

Qin Ge glanced at the arena, and couldn't help but bring the topic to Chu Yuedao, saying: "Xiaoyue Island, your medicine refining skills are not good enough, once she gets a foothold on it, can you win? "

Chu Yuedao's face collapsed, and he put on an expression of dying.

Just kidding, he was just angry with what Bei Ruyue said, and then he agreed without even thinking about it. Hearing what Qin Ge said now, he realized that he is a rookie, he must be inferior to others, and he will definitely make a fool of himself by then , ah ah ah.

"You're an afterthought, why didn't you remind me earlier?" Chu Yuedao got angry and pointed directly at his nose.

Qin Ge held his little finger, and smiled provocatively, "I saw that you had a lively discussion, so I didn't bother you. By the way, Xiao Yuedao has a bad habit of pointing at others."

After all, use a little force.

"Ah, it hurts..." Chu Yuedao yelled, and the stupid hair on the top of her head flew into the sky, "Qin Ge, you big villain, let me go, I just don't point at you."

"Good." Qin Ge smiled and let go of his hand.

"Fuck you, bastard..." Chu Yuedao murmured softly while covering her fingers.

Qin Ge hooked his lips, but didn't bother with him.

Chu Yuedao pursed her mouth and rolled her eyes, what should she do next?

Confronting Bei Ruyue is doomed, why don't you run away?

He moved his toes and was about to run away. Anyway, he was fast and could run away in a flash, haha.

"Xiaoyue Island, let's drink, let's drink together..." Bai Xie, a drunk, hugged Chu Yuedao's small body with one paw, Chu Yuedao struggled hard, but couldn't break free.


(End of this chapter)

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