Chapter 1547 What a beautiful elixir...

Oh my goodness.

What did she see? There were three continuation pills in the tray...

Moreover, they are all top-grade, with a quality above ninety. Under the sunlight, each elixir of continuation becomes extremely transparent and round, and the texture inside seems to be clearly visible through the surface.

The ultimate pill, the elixir...

so beautiful.

"What a beautiful pill..." Bei Ruyue couldn't help picking up a pill and playing with it in her hand.

Lin Jiu was also taken aback by the elixir in front of him. Such a beautiful, high-quality and top-quality elixir seems to be able to surpass their president Cang.

However, he remembered that the only woman named Baili Qinxue who could rival their Guild Master Cang, what was the origin of this woman in front of him?
Lin Jiu raised her eyes, and cast a few glances at Baili Qinxue. Why did her temperament and eyes seem familiar?
He stared blankly, almost fainted, why every time he sees a woman, he feels familiar, it's so scary, does he have some terrible disease?
He lowered his eyes, not daring to peek any more.

"The elixir is very good." Cang Molian looked at Baili Qinxue's elixir and admired it sincerely, "Whether it is grade, quality or fineness, they have all reached a very high level, but there is still room for improvement, don't slack off gone."

Cang Molian must have seen her tricks, otherwise, she would not have said these words.

Baili Qinxue accepted the teaching humbly, "President Cang, I understand, thank you for pointing it out."

Cang Molian didn't look away, and said: "So, you are the winner in this competition."

After saying that, he cast his eyes on Baili Qinxue, the emotion in his eyes was still calm and calm.

Knowing the result long ago, Baili Qinxue smiled and wasn't too surprised.

Bei Fanxing shrugged indifferently, but it turned out that she knew it a long time ago. At this moment, she was just here to put on a show. She didn't expect that some people in the pergola would be dumbfounded when they heard the news. They were really stupid.

"Oh my god, what did I hear? How did that woman win?" Ye Huansha was dumbfounded, her eyes a little distracted.

Liu Cheng's face was livid, "Didn't that bitch say that he is a rookie in refining medicine? Why..."

Ye Huansha pouted, and said sourly: "Who knows her, maybe she is lying, or a blind cat met a dead mouse, so it was made out of it."

No matter how uncomfortable Liu Cheng felt, she would not be so foolish as to think that such things as refining medicine could lead to blind cats and dead mice.

"I'm definitely lying again, and then, waiting for the victory to become a blockbuster, what a bitch..." Liu Cheng clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and looked at Baili Qinxue with a little bit of resentment in her eyes.

Bei Fanxing had a panoramic view of the two of them, and couldn't help being startled.

Who are these two women? It's really ugly to look resentful.

Bei Fanxing tugged at the corner of Baili Qinxue's clothes, gloating and said, "Did you do something to be hated?"

Baili Qinxue didn't react for a moment, "What?"

Bei Fanxing glanced at her eyes calmly, and said, "Look at the two of them, those eyes want to eat you alive."

Baili Qinxue bent her lips and smiled, "Princess's observation skills are excellent, and I only met them these days. Maybe I won the World of Warcraft race, and they hated it because they couldn't afford to lose."

"So that's how it is." Bei Fanxing raised her hair on her shoulders, her every move was soft and charming, "Women's jealousy is really terrifying."


(End of this chapter)

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