Chapter 1553 Are you sent by the princess?

Dugu Sheng shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't think so either, he was the one who bumped into the muzzle of the gun by himself, why did he protect me when you said he was good at it?"

"Maybe it's your father, he misses you more." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

The two went back to the room.

Jing Ye watched them enter the same room, and just froze in place.

Unexpectedly, he had only been away for a few months, and they slept together. Is this speed too fast?
Could it be that in a few days, a little milk bun will be born?

Jing Ye's face turned red, and he almost collapsed in place.

He didn't leave until he saw the lights in their wing went out.

It's simply too scary, his young master's attack is really fast, it's so eye-catching, he wants to go back and quiet for a while.

In the past few days, Jing Ye has been serving Dugu Sheng, and every time he sees him changing into an ordinary passer-by, Jing Ye can't help raising his eyebrows every time, and then silently complains in his heart.

Every time Baili Qinxue saw her, she would put on a smile that was not a smile.

This scene at night is really funny.

Dugu Sheng looked indifferent, but actually wanted to beat Jing Ye up, and then throw him to the mysterious island.

The past few days have been extremely peaceful, the news of the banquet held in the palace has not yet come, Baili Qinxue is not in a hurry, what should come will always come, there is no way to force it.

The weather is still fine today, Baili Qinxue and the others are still nesting in the inn as usual.

At this time, there was a burst of noise outside.

The common people pointed and discussed in a hurry.

"What's going on outside?" Baili Qinxue stroked the teacup, thinking it was interesting, she was about to stand up and take a look.

"Squeak" sounded.

She opened the door of the wing room, and saw that all the people were blocking the outside and watching carefully, and they didn't know what they were looking at.

Baili Qinxue walked to the railing and took a closer look, and saw a few women standing outside. They didn't look like the ladies of a certain family, but their temperament was much better than that of some official ladies.

Who are these people?

Feeling curious, Baili Qinxue walked down the stairs.

Dugu Sheng also stood up and followed closely behind.

After Jing Ye took a few glances, he also followed. He is the young master's personal bodyguard, so why not go?
"Is Miss Xiaoxue in this inn?" Several women outside asked Xiao Er.

Xiaoer looked blank, Xiaoxue, what Xiaoxue, he didn't know...

"Is Miss Xiaoxue in this inn?" The girls asked again patiently.

Xiao Er shook his head blankly, and said, "What Miss Xue, I don't know."

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently in disbelief.

Their princess obviously heard the news, that little snow girl is in this inn.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, it turned out that these girls came to look for her.

Seeing their well-dressed clothes and demeanor, and thinking about what happened in the medicine refining competition, Baili Qinxue was basically sure who sent these girls.

"What should I do, this little girl actually said that she doesn't know where Miss Xiaoxue is?" Several girls got together and discussed in a low voice.

"I don't know, do you want to ask again?"

Baili Qinxue approached with her fingertips in her hand, her white robes fluttering in the wind, "Are you sent by Princess Bei Fanxing?"

Hearing this, the girls were taken aback, and immediately looked at Baili Qinxue.

Among them, two girls had seen her in the medicine refining competition, and they recognized her as soon as they saw her.


(End of this chapter)

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