Chapter 1556 The Imposing Royal Palace
It was rare for Baili Qinxue to dress up so elegantly and exquisitely. If she matched with her original alluring face, what kind of elegance would it be?
Dugu Sheng thought about it, and couldn't help swallowing.

That must be extremely overwhelming...

Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand, subconsciously stretched out his hand to stroke her face and said: "If Ah Xue is not easy to tolerate, she must be very beautiful."

Baili Qinxue bent her lips and said indifferently: "If there was no disguise, I would definitely not wear such clothes. I don't like this color very much, especially the pattern on it, it is very embarrassing."

Dugu Sheng smiled and said nothing.

Jing Ye was pulling the fancy clothes on his body, and his expression was a little ugly.

In front of the palace gate, the guards stood upright in armor, and every royal family and noble who wanted to enter the palace gate had to show their invitation card before they could enter. Baili Qinxue took out the invitation card in the space, and walked forward with the two of them. .

The guards dressed the three of them gorgeously, with good temperament, and they were not ordinary people presumably, and their tone was extremely polite.

"The three of you please present your invitation card."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and hurriedly took out the invitation card and placed it in front of them.

The guards glanced at it, and after confirming that it was a genuine invitation, their attitudes became more respectful, "Go in, three noblemen, there is still some time before the banquet starts, and you can take a good look at it in the garden during this time." Look, play."

Baili Qinxue nodded, and after taking back the invitation, she led the two of them into the palace gate.

The royal palace is worthy of being a royal palace. It is golden everywhere, and it is astonishingly large. All kinds of rare flowers bloom in the royal garden. In an instant, it makes the inside a little more colorful. When a gust of wind blows, it is even more fragrant.

Baili Qinxue took a few glances and couldn't help admiring.

The palace is the palace, and the flowers bloom so well even though it is autumn, just like spring.

Miss Wangsun stood among the flowers and picked flowers, and wove various small flowers into beautiful garlands to wear on their heads for fun.

Jing Ye didn't like this kind of lively scene, especially when some women's babbling voices entered his ears, it made his whole face darken a bit.

These women are so noisy, it's just hateful.

Dugu Sheng wandered around the garden holding Baili Qinxue's hand, but he was also enjoying himself.

Not long after the three of them wandered around the garden, a servant girl hurried over.

Baili Qinxue glanced at her, and quickly recognized her as the person next to Bei Fanxing.

Sure enough, the maid came straight to her.

"Miss Xiaoxue, I finally found you. Princess Bei Fanxing invited you over." The servant girl wiped the sweat from her forehead and said to Baili Qinxue very respectfully.

"Please lead the way." Baili Qinxue flicked her sleeves with a slight smile in her eyes.

The maid smiled and hurriedly led the way.

Soon the servant girl brought the three of them to the gate of a palace. There was a high wall outside the palace, and there was a small flower garden inside. Some beautiful flowers were planted in the flower garden. , is a very nice palace.

It is conceivable that Bei Fanxing has a good status and is quite loved by the king.

The servant girl leaned over and said respectfully: "Three, the princess is waiting in the hall, and this servant girl will take you there."

Baili Qinxue nodded her forehead, the smile in her eyes was still as cool as water, "Please also ask the girl to lead us."

She spoke politely, which made the servant girl pay more attention to her.

"Please come with your servant." The servant girl made a gesture of invitation, and then walked ahead.


(End of this chapter)

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