Chapter 1560 Second princess, be careful of fraud

"My princess forgives your innocence, tell me quickly." Bei Ruyue was a little anxious, she stomped her feet impatiently.

"The servant girl said it." Lu Tao raised her throat, and then said slowly: "The princess and the eldest princess don't have a close relationship on weekdays, and the eldest princess is always running on you, but today this one sent these thing……"

Bei Ruyue's heart skipped a beat, "You mean..."

Lutao became more courageous, and said: "This servant boldly guesses that the Eldest Princess must have malicious intentions today, she might have poisoned her clothes, even if she didn't put poison on the clothes, she must have tampered with the jewelry."

You can't blame Lutao for saying these things, because Bei Fanxing is really annoying on weekdays.

Not to mention the poisonous mouth, but also doing all kinds of bad things to run against Bei Ruyue all day long, it is simply outrageous.

When Bei Ruyue heard the words, her eyes dimmed a bit, "Sister Wang probably won't do anything bad this time, and the girl in the medicine refining competition also said..."

Said that Sister Wang didn't hate her, and that girl must have conveyed her meaning to Sister Wang.

Lutao was confused, "Which girl? What did you say?"

Bei Ruyue was startled, shook her head and said: "It's nothing...but, Sister Wang shouldn't harm me, we are sisters of our compatriots..."

"Princess." Lutao knew that Bei Ruyue was kind-hearted, so she stomped her feet angrily, and said, "Princess's words are naturally good, but you must be cautious. It's really not good to wear clothes like this for no reason. ..."

"You don't need to talk about Lu Tao." Bei Ruyue took a deep breath, her eyes were extremely firm, as if she had made up her mind, "Since it was sent by Sister Wang, I must wear it, even if there is something weird in it. I have to wear it too, after all, this is Sister Wang's wish, if these things can make the relationship between me go further, how good would it be?"

"Princess..." Lutao didn't know how to get her out of this idea, so she could only worry on the sidelines.

"Lutao, you don't need to say anything more." Bei Ruyue picked up the shirt lovingly, put it on her body and gestured.

The texture of the silk is excellent and smooth, and Bei Ruyue was about to change it after touching it for a while. She smiled and said, "Green Tao, help me change the clothes."

Lutao was extremely reluctant, and her face was a little ugly, but she still opened her mouth and said, "Yes, this servant obeys..."

After completing the errands, the maids returned to Bei Fanxing's palace.

Bei Fanxing was sitting at the table, when she saw the maids came back, she hurriedly asked: "You are back, but the clothes have been delivered?"

The maids went forward to salute and said: "If you go back to the eldest princess, the slaves will send it over, and the second princess will also accept it."

That's fine if you accept it... Bei Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with a blushing face, "After accepting it, did she... say anything?"

Like something like that...

Bei Fanxing's eyes widened, staring at these maids for a moment.

Staring at Bei Fanxing, there was a charm and aura on her body, the maids trembled slightly, only lowered their eyes, and smiled happily: "The second princess is very happy after receiving those things, and let the servants Tell the eldest princess that she likes these things very much."

Hearing this, Bei Fanxing's eyes lit up and said: "Really, did she really say that?"

She was a little excited, glanced at Baili Qinxue, and then cast her eyes on the maids.


(End of this chapter)

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