Chapter 1575 The Princess Invited Us
Cang Molian likes to be quiet, but that's fine.

Chu Yuedao and the others were talking together, it was quite interesting to watch.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha are a bit out of place. From a distance, they look like two stone statues, very funny.

The two couldn't stand the coldness, they glanced at each other and left.

After the two left, Chu Yuedao said: "I saw Bei Ruyue staying with that bad woman just now, and they seem to be in harmony. I don't know what the hell they are doing."

"Hi..." Bai Xie hiccupped and said, "This is a family matter, what can you do?"

"Aren't I caring about my little friend?" Chu Yuedao looked around, with nervousness in his eyes, "I'm afraid that idiot will be bullied, and I'm still counting money for him."

Qin Ge smiled and said: "My sisters are of the same mind, what are you worrying about?"

Chu Yuedao stared wide-eyed, "How could it be possible that the sisters are in the same heart, if not, I have to go up and have a look."

After all, he walked directly in the direction of Beiruyue.

Qin Ge looked at his back, and sighed like a father, "Hey, it's really a big boy who doesn't want to stay..."

"Little Qin Ge, what are you talking about?" Bai Xie looked blank.

Qin Ge put his hand between his lips, and smiled until his eyes curled into slits, "This is a secret, hey, why are they here, and there is another little friend beside them..."

"What?" Bai Scorpion still couldn't understand, "What kind of riddle are you playing?"

Qin Ge raised his eyebrows and motioned Bai Xie to look over there.

Bai Xie looked sideways, and saw Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng, as well as a new face, who seemed to be very familiar with them.

He suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Hey, why are they here too?"

"That's right." Qin Ge's lips curled up, "It's interesting to watch, why don't we go up and say hello?"

Cang Molian also cast her gaze over there, her eyes were clean and unwavering, "Well, you can go and have a look."

After that, he flicked his sleeves and walked over first.

Qin Ge smiled and followed closely.

Bai Xie took a look and followed.

"You are too."

Baili Qinxue and the others were talking casually, but suddenly a clear and clean voice came out.

The three of them turned their heads and saw that Cang Molian and the others had already walked over.

Baili Qinxue was startled, then she bent her lips and smiled, and said, "So it's you, you're here too."

Cang Molian nodded, "Well, the king's people sent invitations."

Baili Qinxue understood that a person with a high status like Cang Molian, even the Ninth Five-Year Master, would put down his face to curry favor.

She smiled and said nothing.

Cang Molian fixed her eyes elsewhere and did not speak.

For a while, the atmosphere on their side was a little silent.

Jing Ye glanced at Cang Molian, and couldn't help muttering, who is this man, he looks so good looking.

"Is he your friend?" Qin Ge broke the silence, "I don't seem to have seen him the first two times..."

"Ah, he..." Baili Qinxue looked at Jing Ye and said with a half-smile, "It's a friend from our hometown who came to join us these days."

"So that's it." Qin Ge raised his lips and asked again: "Who did you come to the banquet with?"

They have only come to the Northern Continent for a short time, and it is amazing to be able to participate in the banquet in the palace.

Baili Qinxu told the truth: "The eldest princess invited us."


(End of this chapter)

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