The weird idea born in Chapter 1596.

Dugu Sheng still frowned, his lips were tightly pressed, and he didn't speak.

Bailiqin tapped on the table slowly, and analyzed again: "Could it be that what the boss there wants him to do? This matter is also related to the hunting battle. Could it be that the boss also participated in the hunting battle? Or a person in the palace?"

"Who knows?" Dugu Sheng rubbed the teacup, the water stain stained the corners of his lips, and in an instant, it became a little more bright red, "That kid Jing Ye can't beat us, don't worry."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said, "I'm not worried, I just find it interesting and more curious."

"I'll find out tomorrow." Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand and pinched Baili Qinxue's face.

The next day, the dragon tortoise hunting battle came as scheduled.

The sky was gray and heavy, as if it would rain in the next second.

But even such bad weather could not swallow their yearning for the dragon tortoise hunting battle. In a short time, almost all the nobles in the royal city rushed out of the hunting forest.

It is very safe without dragon turtles dormant outside the forest. Inside the forest is a dangerous place where dragon turtles run rampant. If you are not careful, you may be swallowed by dragon turtles.

The great king of the Northern Continent sits in a palanquin, covered by something above, not afraid of rain, and surrounded by car curtains, not afraid of how freezing the autumn wind blows.

The eunuch stood straight and waited, and then called a few servant girls to help the king beat his legs and back, deliver food and so on.

The great king of the Northern Continent was served very comfortably. He closed his eyes slightly, and then opened them again quickly. He turned his head and asked the eunuch beside him, "Everyone, are you all here?"

"If you go back to the king, everyone is here." The eunuch looked around and found that no one came, so he said.

"This year, how many people will participate?" The Great King of the Northern Continent asked again.

The eunuch smiled and said: "If you go back to the king, there are about a hundred people, and there are a few unfamiliar faces among them. Hey, President Cang and the others are here too..."

The eunuch trembled when he said the last sentence, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"Wait, what did you just say?" The king of the Northern Continent was also taken aback, thinking it was an auditory hallucination, and hurriedly asked again.

"I saw Guild Master Cang just now." The eunuch pointed and said, "Look, Your Majesty, Guild Master Cang and the others are right there."

Not only Cang Molian, but also Qin Ge and the others.

The King of the Northern Continent cheered up when he saw it, "It's really Guild Master Cang, and his friends are all extraordinary in skill and family background. This year's hunting battle is really interesting."

"Yeah, it must be very interesting." The eunuch was also very happy, he looked around a few more times, and paused again, "Look, my lord, that ordinary woman and her friends are also here."

"Where is it, let me take a look." The king of the Northern Continent looked sideways again.

The eunuch stretched out his hand and said, "Your Majesty, where are they?"

"It's really them." The king stroked his beard, bent his lips and said with a smile: "It's never been so lively in previous years. This year there are more people like this, I'm afraid it will be very exciting."

He always had a feeling that those dragon turtles would be hunted down by ordinary women.

When this idea was born, he was stunned. It should be impossible... the dragon turtle is very powerful.

Those dragon tortoises in the forest are raised by their emperor's home, and they are also the treasures of their royal city.

Therefore, a dragon tortoise hunting battle is held every year, so that the nobles can appreciate the value of the dragon tortoise.


(End of this chapter)

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