Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1607 Dragon turtle meat is delicious...

Chapter 1607 Dragon turtle meat is delicious...

"Miss, look, there are two dragon tortoise corpses..." The servants searched around, and soon found the dragon tortoise's corpse.

Hearing this, Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha were startled, and ran over following the sound.

"The corpse of the dragon turtle?" Ye Huansha pushed the boy who stood aside and said, "Where is it? Where is the corpse..."

She looked left and right, and finally saw the corpses of two dragon turtles on a piece of grass.

The hands of the two corpses were blurred with blood, and the grass around them also had traces of being burned and scorched, and the surroundings were covered with blood. The whole place was like a tragic Shura field. Just looking at it gave people a creepy feeling.

Liu Cheng also saw it, and was stunned in place, "There are actually two dragon turtles, and both dragon turtles were killed?"

This is impossible, beheading two in such a short period of time...

The boys went up to check and said truthfully: "Miss, the two dragon turtles are indeed dead, and all the hard shells and long beards on their bodies have been taken away."

Hard shell and long beard...

Ye Huansha suddenly woke up and said: "The hard shell and long beard have been taken away, so is the crystal nucleus of the dragon turtle still there?"

She held on to her last hope.

After the boys came forward to inspect it, they shook their heads and said, "Miss, the crystal nuclei in Dragon Turtle's head have also been removed, and there is nothing left."

Ye Huansha gritted her teeth fiercely.

Liu Cheng clenched her fists tightly, and a look of resentment flashed in her eyes, "Damn it, you actually took all the things in the dragon turtle away, and didn't know to leave some for us..."

"That's right." Ye Huansha echoed: "It's too stingy, if you can leave a dragon tortoise crystal nucleus, it would be great..."

I thought I would get a share of the pie, but I didn't expect...

There was nothing to be gained, only two bloody corpses.

"Damn..." Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows angrily, "I have never met a dragon turtle during this journey, and the only two I encountered were killed by others. Who is it that is so powerful... ..."

In her mind, that ordinary face suddenly appeared.

That bitch... Absolutely impossible, how could she have the ability to hunt and kill two dragon turtles.

"Could it be that President Cang did it?" Ye Huansha blinked her eyes, and when she talked about Cang Molian, her eyes immediately became crystal clear.

Liu Cheng paused slightly, "It's very possible, only President Cang and his friends have this kind of strength..."

Ye Huansha suppressed the anger in her heart, and said: "If President Cang did it, I don't think I will be able to get angry, after all, President Cang is so good-looking."

Liu Cheng also fell silent, Cang Molian is so powerful, she has no ability to challenge him.

The servants paused for a moment, then suddenly said: "Miss, actually... the meat of the dragon turtle is extremely tender, and the meat on the ground can also be roasted and eaten."

Hearing this, the two lowered their eyes subconsciously, and when they saw the bloody flesh on the ground, they frowned directly, and there was anger in their eyes.

"You mean, let Miss Ben eat this disgusting meat?" Ye Huansha pointed at the meat on the ground, a look of disgust flashed between her brows and eyes.

Liu Cheng also slapped her hands in disgust.

It's so fishy, ​​it won't be poisonous if you eat it, it's disgusting...

The servants continued: "This dragon turtle was also slaughtered alive, and the time of death was only a short while ago. This does not affect the deliciousness of the meat. Do the two ladies really not eat it?"

The boys looked at each other in blank dismay, and their hearts were directly agitated.


(End of this chapter)

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