Chapter 1616 The Confused Jing Ye
"I can't understand what you're talking about at all." Bei Fanxing glared at her, walked directly to her side, and said, "Hmph, if you don't speak clearly, I can only read it by myself..."

When the last sound came down, Bei Fanxing's eyes widened and she just stood there in a daze.

Her gaze was dull, like a petrified sculpture.

Bei Ruyue clutched her stomach, still laughing non-stop.

Bei Fanxing pursed her lips, blinked her eyes, and after a while, she covered her belly and laughed out loud, almost tears came out of her laughter.

The dead boy was wearing a purple tube top dress, a hair band on his head, and a tassel hairpin, but his small body was really strong, and the dress almost didn't collapse when he was wearing it.

"Hmph, what's the matter with this stinky wood?" Bei Fanxing rubbed the corners of his eyes, and laughed a little out of breath, "We've been looking for it for so long, yet we're sitting here leisurely, wearing women's clothes?"

Bei Fanxing's eyes widened again, this kid is usually like a dumb log, why did he think of wearing women's clothing?

"Sister Wang, I think Brother Jingye put on women's clothes after being knocked out..." Bei Ruyue took a deep breath, and when she looked at Jingye, she almost laughed again, she turned her head and said : "According to his temperament, it is impossible for him to like women's clothing..."

Unless the brain is disabled by the dragon turtle.

"Hmph, that's true..." Bei Fanxing glanced at Jing Ye again, and almost laughed again, she said, "Hmph, this stinky wood is quite pleasing to the eye in women's clothing."


Bei Ruyue was startled suddenly, so ugly or pleasing to the eye?

"Hmph, at least it looks better than that flamboyant black dress. It's so black, it's like a piece of wood." Bei Fanxing added later.


Bei Ruyue pursed her lips, feeling a little speechless.

"Hmm..." Jing Ye's fingertips moved lightly, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

He blinked and looked at the sky in a daze.

Where is this? He felt a pain in the back of his head... He raised his palm and stared blankly.

He remembered that he seemed to have seen the young master, and the young master had an evil smile at that time, and at a glance, he knew what bad idea was brewing, and then, he didn't remember anything after that...

"Brother Jingye, are you finally awake?" Bei Ruyue held the corners of her lips, but Jingye had a dull expression on her face, and with that purple tube top dress, she couldn't help but almost burst out laughing.

Jing Ye was startled, why are the two princesses here?
After the young master knocked him out, didn't he do anything to him?

Jing Ye blinked suspiciously.

Bei Ruyue looked at his bewildered expression and found it very interesting, so she laughed out loud while supporting the tree trunk beside her.

"!" Jing Ye suddenly widened his eyes, his face turned dark.

Laugh at a disagreement?
Is he that funny?
"Hmph, what are you doing in women's clothing?" Bei Fanxing blushed, and it took him a long time to say a complete sentence, "Hmph, I thought she was a beauty in women's clothing,'s pretty pleasing to the eye, right? ..."

This time, Jing Ye frowned even tighter.

What women's clothing, what is pleasing to the eye, what the hell are they all?
With a dark face, Jing Ye stroked his hair casually, and he froze in place.

Why... is there something strange on his head?

He gritted his teeth and pulled out all the things on his head. He was stunned when he saw the things that were pulled out...


(End of this chapter)

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