Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1620 The golden crystal nucleus is too beautiful

Chapter 1620 The golden crystal nucleus is too beautiful
The corner of her lips curled up, and she said again: "I don't know what the crystal nucleus of the gold system looks like, will it be particularly beautiful?"

"Dig it out and have a look, don't you know?" Dugu Sheng smiled, and said to do it right away.

Soon, a crystal nucleus stained with blood appeared in front of Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue took it and washed it clean with water magic. In an instant, a golden crystal nucleus all over her body came into her eyes.

The brilliant golden light, like the sun, directly reflects into the hearts of the people.

In an instant, Baili Qinxue was infected by this light, she always felt so warm, she narrowed her eyes and said: "It's so beautiful, it's shining, it looks so dazzling."

Her eyes flickered, shining like jewels, Dugu Sheng's heart trembled once again.

"Yeah, it's really pretty." Dugu Sheng opened his lips, and when he said she was pretty, his eyes kept lingering on her.

Baili Qinxue kept her gaze on the crystal nucleus, but she didn't notice it.

After a while, she put the crystal nucleus into the space, and put the long beard and hard shell in. She turned around, looked at the corpse of the dragon turtle beside her and said, "Didn't those little guys just say that the meat of the dragon turtle is not so good? Is it delicious?"

Dugu Sheng looked at the bloody meat on the ground, and said: "I feel that we have spent a lot of time in the forest, and we are a little hungry, why don't we roast the dragon turtle meat and eat it?"

After that, he licked the corner of his mouth, and his eyes lit up a little.

Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes and nodded quickly, "Okay, I happen to be a little hungry. Let's make a fire to keep warm."

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, dropped the sword in his hand, and immediately chopped the dragon turtle's body into several large pieces.

Blood was still dripping from the big pieces, and it looked scary. Baili Qinxue took these big pieces and cleaned them one by one with the water from the space well. I wonder if the meat soaked in the water from the space well will become more delicious.

Just as Baili Qinxue was thinking about it, when she came to her senses, Dugu Sheng had already finished the haystack and set up a shelf on it, and she handed him the cleaned meat.

After Dugu Sheng took them, he strung them on the shelf one by one.

Before the haystack was burning, Baili Qinxue was busy condensing the fire magic in her hands. In an instant, the haystack was on fire, making a sizzling sound.

Dugu Sheng kept turning the shelf, and the dragon and turtle meat on it kept burning in the fire, and kept blooming.

Not long after, Baili Qinxue smelled a faint smell of meat.

Baili Qinxue fanned her nose, and said, "Big Baozi, I smell the fragrance, have you smelled it?"

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and said: "I smelled it too, I didn't expect it to smell really good."

His cheeks were soaked in flames, and the flames were flickering, and his eyes also became brighter and brighter with the jumping of the flames.

Baili Qinxue moved towards him, as if she wanted to smell the meat more clearly.

But Dugu Sheng felt that she wanted to get close to him on purpose.

Haha, his family's Axue is really boring, if you want to get close to him, you should tell her earlier, he will definitely fulfill her wish.

After thinking about it, when he moved his buttocks, the distance between him and her was a little bit closer, and he almost stuck together.

Baili Qinxue saw his movements, but didn't pay much attention, anyway, it was quite warm.


The dragon turtle meat kept blooming under the firelight, and after a while, the surrounding fragrance became more intense.


(End of this chapter)

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