Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1622 The young master is too bad, you must guard against it

Chapter 1622 The young master is too bad, you must guard against it
Qin Ge smiled, and immediately took over the conversation: "I also heard that the meat of the dragon turtle is delicious. I haven't participated in a hunting battle before, so I want to taste the taste of the dragon turtle."

Chu Yuedao's hair stood on end, and she became more and more horrified, "Qin Ge, you are so perverted..."

Qin Ge chuckled, "It's because you are too timid."

Chu Yuedao snorted lightly, but said nothing.

"It's just a good time to bring the food and drink." Bai Xie murmured, then bent down and sat next to Dugu Sheng, "If you don't eat Xiaoyue Island, don't regret it."

Chu Yuedao walked aside, ignoring him.

He wouldn't eat such a terrible thing.

The two princesses also went up, Bei Ruyue saw Chu Yuedao's dying expression, covered her lips and laughed, and said: "Xiaoyue Island, you are too timid, I have eaten dragon turtles before The meat is really delicious."

"If you like to eat, go and eat." Chu Yuedao waved his hands, like chasing away flies.

Bei Ruyue chuckled, leaned down and sat beside Baili Qinxue, and said, "You guys have come to the depths of the forest, and you've hunted and killed so many dragon turtles so well."

With so much dragon turtle meat, the number of hunted must be more than two.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and said with a light smile: "It's been a long time since I killed it, the dragon turtle's defense is really good..."

Bei Ruyue raised her lips and smiled happily, "That's right, the defense is great. Fortunately, the three of us are united, otherwise, we will be in a hard fight."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

"Hmph, what are you standing there for? Your friends are here, why don't you come and sit down?" Seeing that Jing Ye was still standing aside, Bei Fanxing quickly lowered his face and muttered, "Hmph, stinky wood is stinky wood. Everywhere is wood."

Jing Ye obviously heard it, and his face darkened a little.

He flattened his mouth and reluctantly walked over to them and sat down.

Seeing him sitting down, Dugu Sheng smiled a little in his eyes.

Jing Ye's eyes widened, and he could clearly see a bit of teasing in his eyes, damn it, the young master must be mocking him for wearing women's clothes just now.

Dugu Sheng held back his laughter, then turned his head and asked the two princesses, "Princesses, Jing Ye is obedient and obedient when you are by your side, but is there anything wrong with letting go?"

Haha, Jing Ye in women's clothing is so interesting...

Dugu Sheng's face was calm, but his heart was full of smiles.

Baili Qinxue chuckled, and while they were talking, divided the dragon and turtle meat.

The two princesses took the dragon tortoise meat, Bei Ruyue sniffed the aroma on it, and said suddenly: "Brother Jing Ye is quite powerful, he killed the dragon tortoise with just a few strokes, and nothing happened. ,that is……"

It was Jing Ye who was arrested and changed into women's clothes.

Of course, she would never say these things.

"That's right, what?" Dugu Sheng put his fingers between his lips, his eyes were dark, with a smile that was not a smile, as if he could see everything.

"It's nothing, hehehe..." Bei Ruyue shook her head suddenly and laughed a few times.

This man looks ordinary, but his eyes are so beautiful, and the eyes are so deep, a little scary.

Jing Ye bit her lip and gave Dugu Sheng a hard look.

The hateful young master must be trying to trick others into making him look bad, it's really too bad.

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and soon stopped being too entangled in this issue.

Bei Ruyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Jing Ye also relaxed a little bit, but became vigilant again after a while.

The young master is so bad, he will definitely not let him off easily, he must cheer up.


(End of this chapter)

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