Chapter 1624 Daimao is a rascal

Bai Xie blinked and said, "It's so delicious, you won't be lucky if you don't eat it..."

Chu Yuedao's eyes sparkled, "Really, just give me a bite..."

Give him a bite?
The white scorpion rang the alarm, and immediately protected the dragon and turtle meat in his hand, saying: "Isn't there a lot of dragon and turtle meat on the shelf? Why do you want to eat this piece in my hand? If you want to eat it, go to the shelf and get it."

After saying that, he moved his buttocks, far away from Chuyue Island.

Chu Yuedao stared wide-eyed, standing in the wind slightly messy.

Do you want to be so stingy, just take a bite, and don't want to grab the meat in his hand...

This guy is so disrespectful, damn it.

"I just want to take a bite. What are you protecting so tightly? I won't snatch you." After finishing speaking, Chu Yuedao looked at him several times with contempt.

Holding the dragon turtle meat, the white scorpion turned in one direction without saying a word.

Chu Yuedao glared at him a few more times, and after a while, his eyes fell on the dragon turtle meat again.

The gravy overflows slowly, and the meat tastes rich and delicious. If you eat it in your mouth... it must taste very good.

Chu Yuedao's eyes gleamed, and he kept secreting saliva. He really wanted to eat it, but just now he said that he would never eat dragon turtle meat. If he asked for it now, he would definitely lose face.

He bit his finger, looking a little tangled.

Just then...

A piece of dragon turtle meat suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Chu Yuedao's eyes immediately became crystal clear, and just as he was about to reach out to grab them, he heard Qin Ge's laughter coming from above his head.

"Haha, Xiaoyue Island, do you really want to eat it?"

Chu Yuedao's hands stiffened involuntarily, he clenched his lips tightly and did not speak.

Qin Ge moved the meat closer, and continued to seduce: "Are you sure you don't want to eat it? I think you must really want to eat it... After all, it is very fragrant, and it tastes really good, very smooth and tender, very delicious, average The meat can't compare with it at all."

He moved closer again.

Chu Yuedao took a deep breath, and the strong smell of meat instantly filled his nostrils.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat it? Do you really want to eat it..." Qin Ge curled his lips and kept shaking the dragon turtle meat.

Chu Yuedao licked her lips, grabbed the meat, opened her mouth and bit down.

"Hey, it's delicious..." Chu Yuedao gnawed and gnawed until he was satisfied.

Qin Ge patted the sunflower seeds on his head with a smile, and said, "Who is it that dislikes dragon and turtle meat, who ran far away, and who said he didn't want to eat it?"

Chu Yuedao ate happily, so she didn't want to talk to him.

"Hmph, so what I said, I've changed my mind now."

Qin Ge withdrew his hand, laughed and said, "You rascal..."

Bei Ruyue blinked and laughed, "Haha, Xiao Yuedao is just a rambunctious ghost, and she doesn't know how to be ashamed."

Chu Yuedao was eating, and there was no time to talk to them.

They didn't stop until the dragon turtle meat was full.

Chu Yuedao rubbed her chubby belly and lay on the haystack, "I enjoyed eating..."

Dugu Sheng lowered his eyes, looking at the bone fragments all over the place, his face was a bit ugly, these people are already full, why don't they leave?

"Next, what are your plans?" Cang Molian took out a handkerchief and wiped her greasy little fingers.

"Of course I'm going to hunt dragon turtles again." Bei Ruyue raised her lips and spoke first.

Bei Fanxing nodded in satisfaction.

Because of this hunt, she felt that her relationship with Sister Wang had gotten better again, which was simply excellent.

She hooked her lips and laughed a few times.


(End of this chapter)

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