Chapter 1627 Hurry up! !

Ye Huansha paused, and then shouted: "Hurry up and let Miss Ben catch up."

That is, the dragon tortoise they caught with great difficulty, and they must not let it go.

Hearing this, the boys gritted their teeth and could only bite the bullet and chase after them.

The dragon turtles were still running fast, and the servants gritted their teeth in anger.

I heard that the dragon tortoise's defense is good, and its attack power is not bad, but I have never heard that the dragon tortoise's running speed is so fast, it is faster than some speed monsters.

Is this the rhythm against the sky?
The boys kept complaining behind them, but they didn't dare to neglect anything under their feet.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng stood straight in place, both of them raised their eyebrows, staring at the running dragon turtle without blinking.

The natural cold and stern aura of the two swept the surroundings, and in an instant, the little beasts in the surroundings were frightened and fled. The eyes of the two dragon turtles suddenly widened, and a bit of fear suddenly appeared in their eyes.

These two humans...

To have such an aura, such a powerful aura, not to mention the little beasts, even they dare not make a mistake.

The two dragon turtles looked at each other, stopped immediately, and looked at the two of them in horror.

Obviously two such ordinary human beings, why do they have such an aura, it really scares the dragon turtle to death, huh...

When more than 20 young men saw the dragon turtles stop, they were overjoyed and hurried up.

"The two beasts have nowhere to escape now." The boys were bold and spit out some bold words, "Surrender quickly, so that the pain can be alleviated."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and laughed, these bullying people.

The dragon tortoises didn't move, they still stared blankly at the two of them.

More than 20 young men saw that the dragon tortoises were silent, thinking that they were afraid, they were overjoyed again, they walked around the two dragon tortoises and ran to the front, and looked at them.

"Little bastard, you know you're scared now, haha." More than 20 young men raised their heads and laughed loudly.

The corners of Baili Qinxue's eyes twitched. Are these bastards too confident, or are they not afraid of death?
When the two dragon turtles saw a group of people running up to disturb them, they looked at each other with raging fire in their eyes. They roared and kicked out the boy who laughed the most.

"bang bang bang"

After being kicked out, the three servants crashed into a tree, and after a while, they passed out on the ground like a kite with a broken string.

The remaining dozen or so boys looked at each other in blank dismay, their legs trembling with fright.

The dragon tortoise, which was trembling just now, suddenly became ferocious again, and they were caught off guard...

Ahhh, it's terrible, can they pack up their things and run away?
"What are you guys doing? Why don't you say that the Dragon Turtle will be taken down?" Ye Huansha ran up with her skirt in her hand. Seeing that the boys were still standing still, she was about to die of anger.

The boys came back to their senses instantly, and said with lingering fear: "No, it's because the Dragon Turtle is too powerful...they were all knocked out..."

After all, he pointed to the three people who fainted on the ground. Their foreheads seemed to be bleeding from the bump...

Ye Huansha caressed the veil, and laughed wantonly, "Isn't it just being knocked out, there is nothing to be afraid of, you just go on, and when the dragon turtles are exhausted, the things on the dragon turtles will still be gone." Not at hand?"

Hearing this, the boys looked at each other in blank dismay.

That's a good thing to say...

But in fact, they are treated as cannon fodder and shields, and they just need to reap the benefits of the fisherman.


(End of this chapter)

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