Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1629 Dragon turtle, powerful explosive power!

Chapter 1629 Dragon turtle, powerful explosive power!
After the words fell, Liu Cheng was even more unscrupulous.

There are more than 20 of them, and they are only two.

There was such a disparity in numbers that they dared to boast beyond redemption.

Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and laughed softly.

"You really dare to speak big words." Ye Huansha was taken aback, and smiled even more unscrupulously.

Baili Qinxue's eyes were still calm, she said: "Is it a lie, you can only know if you try it."

Hearing this, more than a dozen servants also burst out laughing.

"Did you hear what she said?"

"I heard, they actually want to snatch the dragon turtle from so many of us, haha..."

"There are only two of them, and they don't even look at how many people we have here, they are simply overwhelmed."

The boys chattered endlessly, mostly sarcastic.

Ye Huansha folded her arms around her chest, and said with a terrified smile, "You heard what my subordinates are saying, they all say that you are overthinking your abilities."

Liu Cheng didn't believe that the two of them would do anything, and said a few words of sarcasm, "That's right, people who think too much of themselves talk big all the time, it's funny to hear."

After the words fell, more than a dozen young men burst into laughter again.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng remained calm.

The dragon tortoises became a little restless. These humans were so annoying that they seemed to be crushed.

The dragon tortoises burst into flames and kicked the little servants flying out.

They shot suddenly, and the boys fainted before they could react.

The remaining few servants looked at each other in blank dismay, and were immediately afraid, "What's the matter, why is the dragon turtle getting irritable again?"

"Who knows, what should we do?" The servants almost peed their pants in fright as they looked at the dragon turtle that was staring at it.

"What else can I do, I can only bite the bullet and go for it." Ye Huansha kicked their buttocks and shouted angrily.

The hateful dragon turtle dared to sneak attack, and they must be chopped into pieces later.

"But..." The boys said with trembling legs and chattering teeth, "Those two dragon turtles are so powerful. If we fight head-to-head, we will definitely play tricks."

Ye Huansha kicked their buttocks again, and said: "What if we don't fight head-on, the dragon turtle is angry now, we can't run away even if we want to."

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth and said: "What's the matter, Dragon Turtle was fine just now, why did it go crazy now?"

The crazy dragon turtle has the potential to sweep away thousands of troops, which makes people completely overwhelmed.

Ye Huansha frowned, and the anger between her eyebrows became more intense, "Hmph, it must be nothing good to meet those two people, they must be here, and the dragon turtle is angry."

After all, he glared at them a few times.

Liu Cheng also glared at them a few times after hearing this.

The hateful slut, who wants to harm others, is simply extremely hateful.

Seeing that there was no room for turning around, the remaining servants rushed forward with their blades in hand.

"Kill, we can win by killing these two beasts."


The boys roared and roared, and the sharp blades in their hands were soaked in the light, emitting a biting cold light.

They rushed to the side of the dragon tortoise, and just wanted to stab with their swords, but at this moment, the two dragon tortoises roared and kicked with their feet, instantly...

The remaining servants, like a kite with a broken string, immediately fell to the ground and passed out.

More than 20 servants have all passed out. At this moment, Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha are the only ones who can fight...


(End of this chapter)

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