Chapter 1636 Dedicated to doing bad things!
Turning her head slightly, she saw that the two of them were tied to the tree trunk. She was startled, and quickly laughed and said, "You acted quickly, and you even tied them up..."

"Naturally, it should be faster to avoid accidents." Dugu Sheng clapped his hands and laughed.

Baili Qinxue took another look at the two people who were tied to the tree trunk, and quickly turned her gaze back, saying, "Since they've already been tied up, let's go, lest we have long nights and dreams."

Dugu Sheng rubbed her hair, and responded with a smile, "Okay."

The two turned their backs and walked in the direction of the dragon turtles.

After letting go of the two dragon turtles, there are still many dragon turtles staying in the forest.

The two specifically looked for dragon turtles that others couldn't beat.

Dugu Sheng released the wind magic, and Baili Qinxue took advantage of the chaos to kill the dragon turtles in one fell swoop, and dug out the crystal core along the way, cutting off the long beard and hard shell.

After everything was done, the two jumped into the woods and disappeared for a moment.

The nobles who stayed behind stared wide-eyed.



They remembered that there was a strong wind blowing just now, and when the wind stopped, the three dragon turtles in front of them were dead, and the good things on the dragon turtles were searched clean, it was just haha...

Which bastard did a good job?
"Who, which bastard robbed our dragon tortoise, damn it..." The nobles stomped their feet angrily.

"Damn it, if I catch them, I will definitely chop them up..."

The nobles made a fuss for a while, then lowered their heads to look at the corpses on the ground. The corpses of the three dragon turtles looked bloody, but the quality of the meat looked pretty good.

They heard that dragon turtle meat is quite delicious...

"I heard that dragon turtle meat is quite delicious."

"I heard that too."

The nobles talked in a hurry.

In the end, I always felt that I should put away the corpse of the dragon turtle and cook it to eat after returning home.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin, who was killed halfway, was not bad, and he specially left them dragon turtle meat to eat, which can be regarded as a profit, hahaha...

After the nobles put away the dragon turtle meat, they couldn't help laughing.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng had already traveled a long way, and if they knew about the change in the mood of the nobles, they would definitely laugh like crazy.

The two shuttled back and forth in the forest, and found many dragon turtles that no one else could beat.

After searching in this way, they almost found more than 20 crystal nuclei, as well as many long beards and hard shells. Seeing that the sun was about to set and the forest was getting darker and darker, the two of them walked slowly Get out of the forest.

When they came out, many people had already come out.

Some nobles had expressions of indignation on their faces, and they gathered together and chatted about something.

"We met big villains in the forest. They even robbed our Dragon Turtle. It's just hateful."

"We also met... However, they actually left the body of the dragon turtle to us. I heard that the meat of the dragon turtle is delicious. We couldn't beat the dragon turtle. Although we were robbed, we got our lives back. We also got the dragon turtle meat, we feel that we have made a lot of money..."

"Ah, the bad guys I met swept away everything, not to mention crystal nuclei, we didn't even see a diced meat..."

Everyone talked in a hurry, and the more they talked, the more indignant they became.

"Could it be that there are more than one group of bad guys, there are many?" A nobleman guessed, "Because their modus operandi are all different, some leave dragon turtle meat, some don't."


(End of this chapter)

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