Chapter 164 Let's Go!Find treasure!

The stinky bear shook its little body, it has seen Baili Qinxue's ferocity and power, and has become her loyal little follower, so it dare not disobey her anymore.

It voluntarily jumped out of Lin Wanwan's arms, and its body became bigger in the blink of an eye.

Lin Wanwan tilted his head, his eyes were full of confusion, "Well, today's stinky bear is so cute, so strange..."

Smelly Gouxiong raised his head high, he has always been so well-behaved and so cute.

"Whether it's weird or not, let's go up quickly." Zhao Yu and Wei Nanzi jumped up first, and waved to them again.

The three of Baili Qinxue also quickly flew up, and the smelly bear flapped its wings and flew in the forest. Baili Qinxue told it to fly to the east, and the smelly bear did as well.

It is a winking beast, and it knows who is the most powerful, so it has to suck up to whoever it is.

As you go deeper into the forest, the vegetation becomes more and more luxuriant. The towering trees cover the sky and the sun. The forest is eerily quiet. There may be some unpredictable danger lurking. No wonder there is no pennant here. The instructors must not know what will be inside. How dare they Make fun of your own life.

Baili Qinxue was also a little scared at first, but after communicating with the little guys, she also knew that it was just a little more vegetation here, and there was no danger.

And my friends also said that the deeper the forest, the better place to hide treasures...

Treasure!Baili Qinxue's eyes were shining. She likes to search for treasures the most. Seeing her eyes shining, Dugu Sheng knew that she must have found something good again, so he hurriedly approached her and bit her ear.

"Sister, did you find something good?"

Baili Qinxue said in a low voice: "The little ones say that deep in the forest is a good place to hide treasure."

"There are treasures!" Dugu Sheng excitedly tugged on her sleeves, and said, "Sister, let's go and collect them all later."

Baili Qinxue nodded excitedly.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Zhao Yu leaned his head over, blinking his eyes full of curiosity.

Baili Qinxue was taken aback, rolled her eyes and said, "I often hear people from the older generation say that the more mysterious a place is, the more treasures there will be. We were just talking about going to the deepest place in the forest." Treasure hunting."

Dugu Sheng couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart, his sister really knows how to adapt.

Lin Wanwan bit his finger, and there seemed to be more interest in his dead eyes, "Well, good baby... Smelly Bear and I are going to go treasure hunting too."

"There may be danger hidden deep in the forest, aren't you afraid?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile.

Lin Wanwan shook his head, "I'm not afraid of stinky bears, Azi, Ayu, and chicken legs."

"That's it." Zhao Yu stood on the back of the stinky bear, the wind quietly blowing across his face, he opened his arms as if wanting to feel the wind more deeply, he said: "Ah Zi is here, but A Zi My little brother, naturally we have to protect our safety."

Baili Qinxue sneered, the dignified prince was called a younger brother, Zhao Yu was probably the only one in this world who dared to treat him like this.

"Who are you, younger brother..." Wei Nanzi picked up Zhao Yu's collar and punched him a few times as a threat.

Zhao Yu was not afraid at all, on the contrary, he was even more unscrupulous, "You are my little brother, you were often bullied by me when you were young, have you forgotten all about it?"

After saying that, he laughed loudly, and soon his laughter was also melted into the wind.

Wei Nanzi frowned, her face was a little bad.


(End of this chapter)

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