Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1640 Haha, they are really embarrassed

Chapter 1640 Haha, they are really embarrassed

After saying that, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Dugu Sheng warily.

Hmph, hurry up and get rid of the coquettish little goblin, it's simply abominable to use her eyes to seduce people.

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and a narrow gleam flashed in his eyes, "That would be great, I thought Jing Ye would make a mistake, and I wanted to discipline him for you..."

After that, he turned his head to look at Jing Ye, but the constriction in his eyes made him shiver with fright.

After Dugu Sheng took a few glances, he withdrew his gaze.

Jing Ye's eyelids drooped, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Bei Fanxing didn't see the interaction between the two of them, but tightly guarded Bei Ruyue behind her, seeing that Dugu Sheng didn't do anything, she let go, and snorted again: "Hmph, that piece of wood didn't make any mistakes, and you don't have to. Discipline."

Jing Ye pursed his lips, and after getting along for a few days, he felt that Bei Fanxing was pretty good, at least he wouldn't talk nonsense, and he wouldn't play tricks on him casually, he was a thousand times better than the young master.

If possible, he really wants to change his master, hmph.

"If so, that would be great." Dugu Sheng smiled, and glanced at Jing Ye a few more times.

Jing Ye shuddered all over, always feeling a bad premonition.

Baili Qinxue remained silent all this time, she looked at Dugu Sheng's disfigured little appearance, raised the corners of her lips, and lowered her voice, "You kid, you're bullying Jing Ye again, aren't you?"

Dugu Sheng blinked, shook his head and said, "No, I didn't do anything."

Baili Qinxue chuckled, "You don't have to do anything, just a half-smile in your eyes can scare Jing Ye to death."

Light the wax silently for Jing Ye again.

Dugu Sheng frowned and smiled, and rubbed Baili Qinxue's hair again.

Jing Ye didn't look sideways, hmph, showing affection in an open and aboveboard way, with still hot eyes.

"Did my two princesses come out?" The Great King of the Northern Continent saw that the forest was getting lively, he lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and looked around.

The eunuch shook his whisk, and looked around. After a while, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Your servant saw it. Look, Your Majesty, aren't the two princesses there?"

The king of the Northern Continent fixed his eyes and saw that the two princesses were standing upright without any wounds on their bodies. He let out a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"Your Majesty." The eunuch called out in a low voice, and asked, "Do you need a servant to invite the two princesses over?"

Seeing the two princesses talking happily with Baili Qinxue and Cang Molian and others standing beside them, the king of the Northern Continent paused and waved his hands.

"No need, let the two princesses toss about as they please, just to gain some insight."

The eunuch blessed his body, and said in response: "Your servant obeys."

The king of the Northern Continent stroked the handle of the seat and muttered to himself, "I don't know how many dragon turtles the two princesses have hunted, but I'm looking forward to it."

The eunuch's ears were sharp, and he listened to his mutterings. He smiled and said: "The two princesses are blessed, and naturally hunted and killed many."

His Majesty felt comfortable hearing it, and smiled directly, "Your mouth has always been so good at talking."

The eunuch laughed, "Your Majesty is used to making fun of slaves."

The king rested his head on his hands, and said nothing lazily.

The eunuch also immediately silenced and waited on him respectfully.

The nobles had been patronizing Cang Molian and the others just now, but at this moment, they had a panoramic view of Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha's ugliness.

They froze for a while, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Haha, they are really embarrassed...


(End of this chapter)

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