Chapter 1642 You should trouble them

Ye Huansha rubbed her nose and laughed a few times guiltily.


They were only lucky enough to recover their lives after being maimed by the dragon turtle. Thinking about it now, they still have lingering fears.

"Miss Ye is really amazing..." The nobles smiled and sighed a few more words, but their eyes lingered on Ye Huansha's face, and said, "I heard that Miss Ye once went to the World of Warcraft Forest?"

After chatting for a long time, Ye Huansha immediately relaxed. She raised her eyes and said, "Yes, I went to the Warcraft Forest a few days ago, and it's dangerous there."

Ye Huansha lowered her head just now, and her ugly face was hidden under the broken hair, which made it hard to see clearly. Now that she looked at it carefully, it turned out to be even more disgusting, and some nobles watched it with relish.

They laughed and joked, "It's because the forest is so dangerous that Miss Ye's face is like this?"

Ye Huansha's eyes widened suddenly, and only then did she realize that her face was not covered by anything. She stretched out her hand and quickly covered her face, her eyes filled with horror.

"Ah, don't look at..."

Her face was too ugly to be seen by others.

The aristocrats looked at it for a while, and they were a little bit uninterested. They looked away, put on an embarrassed expression, and said, "Miss Ye is really sorry..."

Ye Huansha covered her face, feeling a little annoyed in her heart, but she didn't dare to express it, "It's okay, it's okay..."

The nobles were in a good mood, put their arms around each other's shoulders, and left.

After they left, Ye Huansha became angry.

"A group of sluts actually laughed at Miss Ben. If it wasn't for Miss Ben's inconvenient action at this moment, they would have been killed by Miss Ben..."

Liu Cheng picked out her ears, and blurted out: "If Miss Ye is unhappy, and her status is no match for them, you can find their bad luck..."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand and pointed at Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng.

Ye Huansha's eyes lit up, and her heart beat non-stop.

Liu Cheng is right, if you want to find a punching bag, you have to find Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng, they are ordinary looking and have no status, they will definitely be able to bully them.

"Miss Liu, you're right." Ye Huansha licked the corners of her mouth, her eyes sparkling fiercely, "I feel very uncomfortable now, and they must have done something to us just now. If we don't take action again If not, they will think we are easy to bully."

"That's right." The anger in Liu Cheng's heart was also drawn out, "We'll go up and teach them a lesson."

Ye Huansha blocked Liu Cheng's way, and said: "Wait a little longer, the two princesses and President Cang are still here at the moment, we will go up after they leave."

Liu Cheng nodded, she didn't expect this woman to be smart and steady.

After a while, the two princesses and Cang Molian went to another place.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha glanced at each other, and hurriedly walked up.

"Hmph, you two are quite leisurely." Ye Huansha put her hands behind her back, and after walking around the two of them, she said strangely.

Baili Qinxue glanced at her lightly, with a smile on her lips, "Miss Ye, what are you trying to do?"

Ye Huansha didn't answer her, looked around and said, "You just saw us being besieged by dragon turtles, why didn't you help us? Stand aside and watch, aren't you happy?"

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes, his eyes were sharp, but they didn't burst out.


(End of this chapter)

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