Chapter 1658 The sachet given by the nanny
Dugu Sheng looked into the distance, and said with a sudden smile: "We are cooking in the small kitchen, let's go to the hall and wait."

As long as I can leave this study... Baili Qinxue nodded hastily, "Okay, let's go..."

Once the dullness of other places in the hall changed, it seemed to become extra transparent and bright when the candles were lit.

When the two came to the hall, they saw some maidservants scattered here and there cleaning up, and the huge hall seemed quite deserted.

The two walked to the table and sat down. At this time, the maids had prepared hot tea and put it on the table.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng sat leisurely, holding teacups to warm their hands from time to time.

After about half the time of burning incense, the maids filed in, holding all kinds of delicious food in their hands, and in an instant, the delicious and strong aroma of the dishes wafted away.

Baili Qinxue sniffed it with her nose, put down her teacup and said with a smile, "I don't know if it's because of the strong aura on your island, why do I think this dish is quite fragrant?"

"Really, let me smell it too..." Dugu Sheng sniffed, but frowned after a short while, "It's no different, I think they are similar."

Baili Qinxue rubbed her nose and said with a smile, "Maybe it's my first time on the island, so I'm too sensitive..."

After a while, all the dishes were finally served on the table.

At this time, Qing Ge and Jing Ye led the nanny into the hall.

When Dugu Sheng saw it, he waved to them to sit down too.

The nanny flicked her sleeves and sat down, while Qing Ge and Jing Ye stood aside, looking devoted to their duties.

"Young master, I ordered the kitchen to cook the dishes for you." The nanny smiled and said, "Because I don't know what Miss Baili's taste is, so these dishes are According to the young master's taste."

When Baili Qinxue heard this, the corners of her mouth curled up and said, "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I'm not picky."

The nanny smiled and took out two sachets from her pocket.

"This is a sachet that I embroidered just now. There are some refreshing herbs in it. I embroidered the patterns on the sachet casually. I don't know if the young master and Miss Baili will like it." The nanny said, and then Pass the sachet to the two hands.

The sachet that Baili Qinxue got was embroidered with big peach blossoms, and the color was also pink, which was very suitable for girls to wear.

She held it fondly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became thicker, "Grandma's embroidery is very good. I like this sachet very much. I must treasure it well."

The nanny squinted her eyes and smiled very kindly.

She is pretty and has a good heart. She is such a good girl.

Dugu Sheng also turned the sachet over and over again to look at it, and couldn't help but said happily: "The sachet made by the nanny is always very good, I like it very much, and it smells good too."

"It's good if you like it." The nanny curled her lips and smiled more kindly.

At this moment……

The servant girl stepped forward and said: "Young Master, the food has been prepared, do you want to eat now?"

Dugu Sheng looked at the sky, it was already very late, the moonlight had already scattered on the ground, and the night was full of bright stars.

He nodded, "Let's eat."

The servant girl responded, picked up her chopsticks and started serving dishes.

Dugu Sheng smiled, and asked the nanny and the others to sit down and eat together.

The nanny is probably used to it, and she is not at all restrained.

Qing Ge also opened his robe and sat down. Although it is a Qinglong, it also wants to eat human food, hum.


(End of this chapter)

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