Chapter 1660 Oh, this is to save resources?

The nanny smiled and said nothing more.

Dugu Sheng rubbed the rim of the wine glass, his lips were stained extremely red by the wine, he blinked and asked again: "Does the nanny know when my old man will come back?"

I want to show the old man quickly, his future daughter-in-law.

The nanny shook her head, "I don't know about that. The old master only said he was going out, but he didn't say when he would come back. But...he has been away for a long time, so he should be back soon."

Dugu Sheng nodded in response.

The nanny paused, then asked casually: "Young master, how long are you going to stay on the island, and will you go to the mainland again?"

Baili Qinxue lowered her head and said nothing.

On the mainland, he must go back.

"Go back." Dugu Sheng smiled seductively, his alcohol-stained eyes sparkled, "There are still a lot of our properties on the mainland, if we don't take care of them, they will go to waste."

Knowing Dugu Sheng's wild nature, the nanny smiled and didn't speak.

Full of wine and food.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

I don't know if it was the nanny's idea or Dugu Sheng's idea, but they were arranged in the same room.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, looking at Dugu Sheng standing in front of the window sill with a cold face.

She said: "The palace is so big, there must be many rooms..."

Are they arranged together to save resources?


Dugu Sheng turned his head, his eyes were shining like water, and the corners of his mouth were raised with a captivating smile, "There are quite a lot of rooms in the palace, but most of them are packed with things, and it is troublesome to tidy them up, so let's arrange them together."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and sneered, "You are considerate."

After all, he wanted to take advantage of her.

"Anyway, we used to sleep together all the time, we're used to it, aren't we..." Dugu Sheng licked his lips, smiling a bit meanly.

Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, her face flushed slightly, "I don't know why, but I really want to beat you..."

"Hitting is kissing and scolding is love, A Xue, come and hit me." Dugu Sheng curled his lips, as if letting her flatten and round her.

Baili Qinxue waved her fist with a cold face, but she never punched down.

"Well, that's it..."

The corners of Dugu Sheng's mouth rose, and his smile became more and more sneaky, "I know that Axue is not willing to hit me, haha."

Baili Qinxue was a little speechless, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

After the two of them washed up a bit, Dugu Sheng embraced Baili Qinxue and went to bed, the movements were exceptionally skillful and natural.

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, her old face was blushing to the point of bleeding.

I knew I was not used to him before, and now I can't change it...

The two embraced and slept together, and when the moonlight shone on them, they looked very warm.

On the second day, the two ate some breakfast casually and went to the back mountain outside the palace.

The back mountain is steep, but it is a place with beautiful scenery.

Baili Qinxue stood at the foot of the mountain. When she looked up, she could see the water of the waterfall flowing down the cliff. In an instant, the majestic sound of flowing water rang in her ears, and occasionally water vapor would splash out. dyed all over.

The sun was just right today, and the water vapor flowing down from the waterfall met the sun, and a faint rainbow bridge was actually built on the cliff.

It was a beautiful scenery created by nature, Baili Qinxue looked at it, and the water in her eyes swayed again and again.

"It's so beautiful." She hooked her lips and admired.

Dugu Sheng was dressed in red, he reached out and rubbed her hair, and said: "The back mountain is indeed a very beautiful place, and it is also where the essence of spiritual energy is, so the god-level herbs grow in the back mountain."


(End of this chapter)

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