Chapter 1666 Big bun, you are very wrong

Dugu Sheng tried his best to pack one good thing into the package, he raised his head and said with a smile: "It's all good things on the island, I found them, brought them to the mainland to sell them, and exchanged them for gold coins."

What a goofy guy.

His father will definitely cry.

Baili Qinxue hooked her lips, and said with a smile: "You don't need to put it in a package, just throw it into the interspatial ring?"

Dugu Sheng installed some more, and then said: "The space of my ring is not as large as yours, so naturally we should allocate more space inside, or...throw all these things into your space, right?"

Anyway, the gold coins sold were also shared by them.

Baili Qinxue was not pretentious, and directly picked up the things he was looking for and threw them into the space.

"Okay, we can hit the road."

Baili Qinxue nodded.

When the two walked out the door, Baili Qinxue suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said, "Don't you take Qingge and Jingye with you?"

Dugu Sheng waved his hand, and said: "Qingge is fine, he sensed my breath, so he will naturally follow. If Jing Ye says, let him stay on the island, it will be a hindrance."

"Hehe, I seem to hear the young master saying that I'm in the way." Jing Ye stood outside the door, squinting his eyes and said coldly.

Beside him was still standing Qingyu, it was obvious that the two of them had come to seek refuge with Baili Qinxue.

"Jing Ye, it's good for you to stay on the island." Dugu Sheng frowned, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Jing Ye stood upright, neither humble nor overbearing said: "Jing Ye will follow the young master, wherever the young master goes, Jing Ye will go there too."

Dugu Sheng gave him a hard look.

It's a candy that can't be shaken off.

Qing Gou pursed his lips, smiling gently and politely, "Qing Gou will also follow the master."

Dugu Sheng supported his forehead.

It must be the abominable thing that Qing Ge betrayed him.

"Since you're here, let's go together." Baili Qinxue smoothed things over.

She just wanted to get out of this island as soon as possible.

Hearing what Baili Qinxue said, Dugu Sheng finally nodded, and led Qing Ge and Jing Ye on the road.

The four turned their backs and walked into the purple bamboo forest.

The bamboos in the purple bamboo forest are staggered, but there is a straight path leading to the front, as long as you follow this path, you can get out of the purple bamboo forest.

Baili Qinxue watched and couldn't help admiring the ingenuity of this mechanism.

"This mechanism is interesting. It's difficult to get in from the outside, but it's very easy to get out. This kind of mechanism that can only be exited but not entered is really interesting." Baili Qinxue curled up her lips and watched as she got further and further away from herself. In the palace, her mood also improved a little.

"This machine is really good... Huh, the old man designed it." After Dugu Sheng finished speaking, he was a little out of breath, and he couldn't help covering his chest with his hands.

Baili Qinxue noticed something was wrong, "What's wrong with you, you don't feel well?"

Dugu Sheng shook his head, a little sweat broke out on his forehead, "No, I'm fine."

Baili Qinxue was suspicious, he was already in this state, and he still said he was fine?
"There's something wrong with you, do you need to go and rest?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, a little worried.

His body has always been very good, why is it like this all of a sudden?
"Young master, I also think that your complexion is not right, let's go to the side and rest." Jing Ye frowned, since he was born until now, he has never seen a young master like this.

He looks so weak and easy to bully...

"No... I'm fine..." After Dugu Sheng said this, he stroked his chest again, and more cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Baili Qinxue felt more and more that something was wrong, and she frowned, "There is really something wrong with you, I think, let's go back."


(End of this chapter)

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