Chapter 1668 A huge catastrophe?

He hooked his lips, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Jing Ye, why are you so flustered?"

After all, he seemed to cast his eyes on Baili Qinxue intentionally or unintentionally, with a bit of weirdness in his eyes.


He suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "What happened to my bastard, why did he faint?"

Jing Ye took a step forward, and the worry in his eyes was obvious, "Old master, Jing Ye was about to report this matter, but the young master somehow fell asleep and couldn't wake up no matter what happened, we were all worried. "

Qing Ge bit his lip and said: "Besides, this symptom is strange, and Qing Ge doesn't know why."

Dugu Mantian glanced at him, with a serious expression on his face, "Hurry up and help this kid into the house, this matter, I'm afraid it will be tricky..."


Baili Qinxue's heart beat non-stop.

Could it be that Dugu Sheng's symptoms were difficult to treat, and even endangered his life?
But, why suddenly...

"Uncle, what happened to the big bun?" Baili Qinxue took a step forward and asked eagerly.

The dark eyes were stained with worry, which could not be dispelled for a long time.

Dugu talked all over the sky, but did not speak.

Baili Qinxue was anxious, she gritted her teeth and said, "Uncle, what is the intractable symptom, please tell us quickly."

Jing Ye and Qing Ge also looked at him eagerly.

Dugu Mantian paused again, and finally, under the earnest eyes of everyone, he slowly said: "This kid was destined to be extraordinary from the day he was born. From the day he was born, I made a fortune teller for him."

Several people concentrated and listened carefully.

Dugu Mantian paused, and continued: "The things shown in the hexagram are not good. This kid will suffer a catastrophe when he is in his 20s, that is, today. If he can escape Wealthy and powerful, if you can't hide, you can only die slowly in your sleep..."


Huge catastrophe?
Baili Qinxue couldn't help frowning, she had never heard Dugu Sheng mention this at all.

As if seeing her doubts, Dugu Mantian explained: "In order to let him grow up healthily, I didn't tell him these things, and I didn't really believe it myself, I didn't expect it to be true... If How much should it have been prevented earlier..."

After that, he sighed, with a frustrated expression and a bit of self-blame.

Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng's sleeping face.

Even though he was asleep, he was still restless, his brows were furrowed, and he was sweating profusely.

She pursed her lips and clenched her fists: "Since the catastrophe has come, what can we do to get him out of the misery as soon as possible?"

Dugu lowered his eyes all over the sky, put his chin on his hand, and began to think carefully.

Baili Qinxue did not speak, waiting for him to speak.

"If you want to wake up the bastard, it's actually not difficult, you only need two kinds of ingredients..." After Dugu Mantian opened his mouth, he suddenly stopped, as if there was something unspeakable.

"What kind of material?" Baili Qinxue licked the corner of her lips, feeling impatient.

Dugu Mantian paused for a moment, before finally opening his mouth and said: "It is a very precious material of Liangwei, it is extremely difficult to obtain, and they are all in remote places. lives will be lost."

Baili Qinxue didn't care at all, and asked again, "What kind of material is it, and where is it? If possible... please let me find it..."

Dugu Sheng was always by her side and helped her so much.

This was her turn to do something for him.

No matter how difficult it is, as long as Baili Qinxue is alive, she will never let him fall.


(End of this chapter)

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