Chapter 1678 An Outsider Breaks In!

She paused for a moment, then said: "Qingge, these grasses have the effect of heating. Pick a few and carry them in your bosom to dispel the cold in the cave. Let's go in quickly and have a look."

Qing Ge put the grass into his arms, and it immediately warmed up.

that's amazing……

The two stepped forward and approached the cave cautiously.

There are no giant guards at the entrance of the cave and a little bit inside.

Presumably, they have mysterious confidence in their own ice cave, thinking that it is too cold for others to dare to enter.

Look, the key grasses are still planted outside. Anyone with a little brain will know that these grasses are not easy to find, and you only need to carry a few plants to enter the cave.

After all, although these giants are tall, mighty, and rough-tempered, they are quite honest in some respects.

The two climbed onto the stone wall and entered slowly, not daring to make any noise.

The cave is very large, and there is a layer of ice everywhere, and there is also a layer on the ground. If you are not careful, you will slip and fall.

The two walked very carefully for an unknown amount of time when a ray of bright light shot from the front.

It should be the real forbidden area.

Baili Qinxue waved her hand, and the two couldn't help but slow down and move forward cautiously.

In front, there is a stone door, and the light is shot from there.

The two moved carefully to the door frame and looked inside calmly.

only see...

There is a giant standing in all four directions inside. The giant holds a weapon and stands upright, as if guarding something important.

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, turned her eyes away from the giants, and cast her eyes on the thing behind the giants.

There... there is a cluster of natural multicolored light, and a small yellow flower grows in the place shrouded by the light. The little flower absorbs the spiritual energy in the multicolored light, and in an instant, the whole body is covered with an incomparably beautiful and moving halo. It doesn't look like a flower, but a flower-like crystal stone.

"Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow?" Baili Qinxue muttered in a low voice, and opened the picture drawn by Dugu Mantian again.

After comparing it, there is no doubt that the world is mysterious and yellow.

Baili Qinxue rubbed her hair and laughed softly, "It's really mysterious. I didn't expect to find such a treasure just after I came here. It took all the effort."

She licked the corner of her lips, she must get this Tiandi Xuanhuang today.

"There are four giants guarding Tiandi Xuanhuang." Qing Ge's eyes narrowed, and he analyzed objectively: "These four giants seem to be warlike. If they confront each other head-on, it may take a while. It will be difficult to recruit all the giants."

The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips curled up, and she said with a smile: "Then we can only sneak attack... How about leaving two to you and the other two to me?"

Qingge nodded, "Okay..."

The two performed their duties and rushed out quietly.

Before the giants could react, the two directly slashed at them with a few hands.

"bang bang bang"

The three giants fell down, but...

There was one giant left who didn't fall down. He had relatively good physical fitness, but he just roared in pain, and after the pain passed, he immediately woke up.

"what happened……"

Why did all his little friends fall down all of a sudden?

He looked around, then looked down again, and immediately saw an extremely petite woman standing upright.

The giant blinked his eyes, and suddenly his eyes widened, revealing the irritability in his heart.

"Oh my god, there are outsiders breaking in..."


(End of this chapter)

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