Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 168 There's Something Dark Over There

Chapter 168 There's Something Dark Over There

"Well, it's a herb." Baili Qinxue tapped the small leaves of the herb, and suddenly felt a delicate feeling slipping through her fingertips, she could understand the sound of the herb, and the herb could also feel her kindness , they are like friends, she smiled and said: "They are herbs above the fifth rank, let's pick them and share them together."

Baili Qinxue didn't intend to keep it to herself.

"Well, the fifth-tier ones seem to be very precious..." Lin Wanwan played with the stinky bear's meat paws, and there was no greed in his eyes, "But, I don't need any herbs, so it's better Collect all the chicken legs, share some with us when the elixir is refined, and give some to the stinky bear, it seems to like it very much."

"That's right, what do we need herbal medicine for? Is it possible to sell it?" Zhao Yu waved his hand and said, "It's not in vain to make others cheaper, it's better to let my little sister refine the finished medicine pill, and we will enjoy the blessings along with it. "

Wei Nanzi clasped her arms around her chest, "I'm not interested in herbal medicines, I'm only interested in finished pills..."

Baili Qinxue raised her head and rolled her eyes. This Wei Nanzi was straightforward, but their behavior also warmed her heart a bit. If it were someone else, they would definitely be vying to take the herbal medicine for themselves. , even if you don't take it for yourself, you will try to get it.

And these three people didn't even have any thoughts about this, and gave them all directly, saying that they would refine the finished pill and give them to them. If she was a black-hearted person, if she refined it, she wouldn't give it to them, what could they do?

After all, the three of them are treating people with sincerity, and making friends with them is definitely not harmful to him.

"Then I'll collect them all." Baili Qinxue didn't show any pretense, she took out a small shovel from the space and began to dig. Dugu Sheng also knelt down to help her dig together.

When digging, Dugu Sheng was careful, keeping all the rhizomes.

"Little sister, why are you so careful and kept the roots?" Zhao Yu was a little puzzled by their approach. It must be too slow to dig like this.

"I want to dig them out and plant them in the yard, and then grow new shoots and multiply them all the time, never ending." Baili Qinxue touched her cheek with her dirty hands, and her face immediately appeared. A black handprint, but she smiled and said: "In this way, I can not only refine medicine, but also save a lot of gold coins. It is very cost-effective, isn't it?"

"So that's the case." Zhao Yu rubbed his chin and nodded, then turned his head to look at Wei Nanzi and the others and said, "Azi stupid girl, we will also go to help, remember to be careful."

Lin Wanwan put the stinky bear aside, then bent down.

Wei Nanzi cursed a few times, then squatted down with a face full of displeasure, with a fierce expression but exceptionally gentle movements.

"Little sister, can you dig it like this?" Zhao Yu dug one carefully, then waved it in front of Baili Qinxue as if offering a treasure.

After Baili Qinxue glanced at it twice, she smiled and said, "Well, that's all right."

With the help of three more people, it also saved a lot of time. After digging the herbs on the ground, Baili Qinxue and the others also stopped their movements and were resting against a big rock.

Wei Nanzi inserted the torch between the cracks in the stone wall, so that the small cave can be illuminated without holding it by hand.

The small cave was extremely quiet, except for the medicinal herbs just now, there seemed to be nothing of value.

"Look quickly, there are some dark things over there." Zhao Yu's eyes were sharp, and he discovered some black things hidden in the corner.


(End of this chapter)

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