Chapter 1681 Enhancement of guards!
The giant patriarch paused, and said again: "And their next target is our town's treasure, the sky is blue and the ground is white."

At this time, the crystal ball in the wooden house emitted a strange light...

As soon as these words came out, the giants froze in place.

How dare you plan on their clan treasures?

"Patriarch, what should we do?"

The giant patriarch frowned, and said: "Go to the ice cave first, and then send some people to guard the temple. We must not let outsiders succeed."

When the giants heard this, they hurried down to make arrangements.

Some giants stayed, and they pointed to Jing Ye who was hanging on the tree trunk.

"Patriarch, what should he do, will he be with those outsiders?"

"It's possible..." The patriarch of the giant glanced at Jing Ye, "Let's just hang it like this. Remember not to hurt anyone's life. When we find a good time, lock him into the back mountain and let him do some chores inside."

Jing Ye was hung upside down on a tree.

Perhaps the impact of the lake water was too strong, and he was still unconscious until now.

Hearing what the patriarch said, the giants ignored Jing Ye and went directly to arrange other matters.

In an instant, the guards in the tribe were strengthened a lot.

Baili Qinxue and Qingyu felt this way after they came out of the ice cave.

"I didn't expect that the giants found out so quickly, almost at the same time..." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and murmured lightly.

Qing Ge rubbed his chin, "It seems that their patriarch is really powerful..."

"Who says it's not... let's go quickly." Baili Qinxue just wanted to leave while pulling Qingyu, but she couldn't help but stop.

There are a lot of giants around...

There are several around the front, both on the left and right.

There is no one in the back, but it is absolutely impossible to turn back. The giants who came here must want to go to the ice cave to find out. If they retreated directly to the back, it would be no different from being sent into the tiger's mouth.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and looked around.

After walking out of the ice cave, rows of wooden houses appeared around.

Baili Qinxue pointed to the tall roof and said, "Qingge, let's jump on the roof first and then make plans."

The roofs of the giants' houses are different from those of ordinary people's houses. They are so high that you can't see the bottom at a glance. It may be difficult to go up.

Qing Ge glanced at it and nodded hurriedly.

The two of them made up their minds and leaped forward.

During this period, there was a rustling wind blowing in his ears, forming a great resistance, Baili Qinxue gritted his teeth and pushed forward with all his strength.

Qing Ge is a green dragon, and it is not difficult to leap over super high roofs.

It didn't take long for him to reach the roof steadily, followed closely by Baili Qinxue.

The roof is extremely wide, and there is a huge chimney on it.

Baili Qinxue pointed to the chimney and said, "Let's hide there."

Just as the two hid, a large pile of giant weapons appeared in their sights.

"bang bang bang"

The giants came from all directions. When they walked, huge footprints appeared on the ground, and everything around them began to shake.

Even though the two were hiding on the roof, they could feel the ground shaking violently.

Baili Qinxue and Qinggou held onto the edge of the chimney tightly to prevent themselves from falling.

"The theft of Tiandi Xuanhuang also happened not long ago. We didn't see any outsiders along the way. Maybe the outsiders are still around. You guys go and look around carefully, and the rest of us will go to the ice cave. Inside."

Several giants with weapons said something.


(End of this chapter)

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