Chapter 1691 The Voice in the Crystal Ball

Baili Qinxue put down the open barbecue in her hand, her eyes rolled, and a trace of air-conditioning filled her eyes, "If I say, I don't?"

"For our family, don't blame me for being rude..."

The giant patriarch sneered, and the aura on his body suddenly dissipated.

He tapped the crystal ball above the brazier with his crutches, and the moment the crystal ball made a soft sound, a thin crack opened on the ground.

Baili Qinxue frowned, never expecting that there is another world inside the wooden house.

She bit her lip, feeling uneasy.

In the cracked gap, a strong wind blew unexpectedly, and the strong wind had suction, and the three of them were sucked straight into the gap.

The patriarch of the giant retracted his crutches, and the gaps were completely closed, without any traces at all.

"Don't blame this patriarch for being ruthless, this patriarch is also thinking of the giants." The giant patriarch looked at the smooth as new ground, with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

When the giants heard the noise, they ran in one after another.

"Patriarch, we heard a lot of movement, what happened?"

"Ah, the patriarch outsider has escaped?"

They guarded outside and didn't see anyone running out at all.

The patriarch of the giant waved his hand and said: "Don't be nervous, the outsiders are stubborn. This patriarch has taught them some lessons and sent them to the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds."

As soon as this remark came out, the giants froze in place.

"Patriarch, the lowest level on the top of the sea of ​​clouds?"

"Patriarch, that is a barren land, full of dangers, no one who enters can come out, and we will not let outsiders enter this place casually."

The patriarch of the giant tapped his cane and said: "For those who persecute our clan, this patriarch can only make an exception, and this patriarch did not kill them. If they can escape safely, it can be regarded as their good fortune..."

The giants looked at each other.

"You go out first, the matter of outsiders has subsided, and the patriarch wants to take a rest."

The giant patriarch waved.

When the giants heard this, they hurriedly retreated.

As soon as they left, the giant patriarch bent down and knelt in front of the crystal ball.

"God of the crystal ball, thank you for your guidance, so that our giants can calm down the outsiders."

The giant patriarch kept muttering, and in an instant, a burst of extremely gorgeous light emanated from the crystal ball, and it seemed to be filled with water, shaking slightly.

Seeing this, the patriarch of the giant became more pious.

After the light dissipated, a man's voice came from the crystal ball.

"Get rid of them?"

The giant patriarch shook his head, "My giant clan will not kill in vain, the god of the crystal ball, I just sent them to the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds, I'm afraid they will die."

There was no sound in the crystal ball.

"God of the crystal ball?" the giant patriarch called.

The voice inside murmured: "Well, the troubles of your clan are slowly subsiding, very good..."

If you listen carefully, you can find that the male voice inside is somewhat familiar.

The patriarch of the giant knelt down and kowtowed: "Thanks to the guidance of the god of the crystal ball, you are the lucky star of our family."

There was no sound in the crystal ball, and the last ray of light dimmed.

In an instant, it seemed to be a dead thing.

The crystal ball god has gone...

The giant patriarch stood up with a cane. These days he has been living in fear. Now that the major events have subsided, he always feels that even the air is a bit fresher.


(End of this chapter)

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