Chapter 1693 Will we die of thirst?
Suddenly, she turned her head, and her clear voice was firm and inviolable, "The big bun is still waiting for us, even if we squeeze out the last bit of strength, we must not fall down here."

After all, she walked ahead and took the lead.

When Jing Ye heard the words, he froze in place, and the uncertainty and fear in his heart were also replaced by passion.

He almost forgot just now what their purpose of coming here was.

If it wasn't for her words, his heart would still be confused at this moment.

Qing Gou walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Jingye, I know what you were afraid of just now, but I think that as long as we follow the young lady, we will be able to get out."

Jing Ye opened his lips and his eyes flickered.

Qingge stepped forward, followed Baili Qinxue's footsteps, then suddenly turned his head, his eyes flickered, "Don't ask me why, I just have this feeling..."

Jing Ye clenched his fists and followed.

In fact...unknowingly, he also had the same idea as Qing Ge.

I feel that the woman is as reliable as the young master...

Along the way, nothing but rocks were rocks. Baili Qinxue closed her eyes and felt it carefully, but she didn't feel the breath of any living things.

There is not even a little living thing, it is really a barren land.

Baili Qinxue looked around, not only was there no living thing, but there was not even a drop of water. If she stayed in this place for a long time, she would probably die of starvation or thirst.

Fortunately, there is water and food in her space.

Jing Ye also realized something was wrong, his face sank a little, and he said, "It's not okay to go on like this, if we can't find a way out, I'm afraid we will die of hunger and thirst here."

Baili Qinxue glanced back at him and said, "It's okay, I have water and food in my space, it can last for several days, you don't have to worry."

Jing Ye opened his lips, but said nothing.

Can a meal for three people last for several days?

She must have said that to comfort people.

The three continued to walk forward.

The corridor is narrow and surrounded by the same rocks, with no end in sight.

Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth. It would be easy if a monster appeared, but there was nothing around, only rocks, and they were all the same. It would take some time before they could find a way out.

Suddenly, she stepped on something hard.

She looked down...

God, there are a lot of dead human bones in this place. They are white and white, and the two eye holes on the skulls are empty. It looks very strange and terrifying.

Baili Qinxue took a few glances, and found that there was no trace of being injured by a sharp weapon on the dead bone.

Could it be that these people were all starved to death and thirsty?
Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her face sank a bit, "These people should have starved to death... You said that the bottom layer of the sea of ​​clouds is dangerous, but there is no mechanism along the way, could it be..."

Qing Ge asked: "What does Young Madam mean?"

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and murmured, "I'm just guessing... Could it be that there is no dangerous trap here, but they want to use this long corridor to let us die of starvation and thirst here..."

There is no end to the corridor, is there no way out?

Qing Ge looked at the hard rocks in all directions, his eyes froze, "Young Madam, what do you mean we can't get out at all?"

"It's just a guess." Baili Qinxue raised her eyes, touched the rock beside her with her light white hand, and said in a cool voice, "If there is any mechanism here, it's another matter."


(End of this chapter)

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