Chapter 1697


That group of light was projected directly on the rock, and in an instant, the colorful light gradually dispersed on the rock... After a while, the light became bigger and deeper, and the rock became transparent and beautiful a bit.

Baili Qinxue was surprised by the changes in front of her eyes, she pursed her lips, feeling uneasy in her heart.

"Young Madam, what's the matter?" Qing Ge turned his head and saw that her face was a little strange again.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, but her voice did not change, "The ray of light shot into the rock, and now the rock has become crystal clear, as if something is about to come out of it, can you see it?"

The two shook their heads hurriedly.

Can't see anything but a pitted rock.

Baili Qinxue frowned, and then turned her eyes away. It turned out that only she could see these things.

Soon, the light had completely merged into the rock.

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, feeling shocked.

Once integrated, what should I do next?

Do you need to touch it with your hands...

Baili Qinxue took a step forward cautiously, her heart beating non-stop. After a while, she slowly stretched out her hand and covered the rock with it.

In just an instant, the light on the rock seemed to be a little brighter, as if it could blind people's eyes, and her hand...

It was completely sucked in, and there seemed to be suction in the rock, as if it was going to suck her whole body in.

What exactly is going on?

Baili Qinxue's complexion changed, but she was a little anxious in her heart.

But if it is sucked in...wouldn't it be possible to see clearly what's going on inside the rock?
Thinking of this, Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, and the anxiety in her heart faded instantly.

Looking at it, Qing Ge felt that something was wrong, "Young Madam, are you in any trouble?"

Baili Qinxue shook her head, her eyes were extremely calm, "It's okay, it's just that this rock wants to suck me in..."

Suck it in?
The two were stunned immediately after hearing this.

"Young Madam, do you need our help?" Qing Ge asked, before she answered, it would not act at will, lest it would do something wrong.

"No need." Baili Qinxue shook her head, her entire arm had been completely sucked in, "After being sucked in, I should be able to find a way out, you wait for me where you are."

After all, her head, her body, and her thighs... Then, they were all sucked in.

"Young lady..."

Qing Ge let out a low cry, then stood aside again and stared at Jing Ye with big eyes.

the other side of the rock.

After Baili Qinxue was sucked into it, she fell directly to the ground.

She gritted her teeth and stood up from the ground.

The fall really hurt... She stretched out her hand and rubbed the sore spot on her waist.

After the soreness dissipated, she raised her eyes and looked carefully at the place in front of her. It was a temple-like place, surrounded by statues of gods, including animals and statues like Buddha.

This place is square and square, with yellow silk and satin fluttering in the wind on the beams, and red candles are lit all around, and the red candles are constantly burning, so there is an illusion of immortality.

Baili Qinxue was slightly taken aback, and looked at the place in front of her with a frown.

What kind of place is it? It's mysterious, and it's a bit weird, a bit sinister...

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, standing where she was, not daring to act rashly.

At this time, the rock that sucked her in has also returned to its original state...


(End of this chapter)

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