Chapter 1700 Is it going to die?

At this moment……

With a whoosh sound, the little dots dancing on the side also submerged into the ball of light.

Silence, deathly silence.

Around, the clouds and mists are misty, confusing people's eyes.

When Baili Qinxue woke up, this was what she saw.

She bit her lip and froze in place. The cloud and mist not only confused her eyes, but also covered the road under her feet.

Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, and carefully groped through the clouds.

What the hell is going on here... How did the ray of light above the blue sky bring her to this ghostly place?
"Is anyone there?" Baili Qinxue called softly.

But what answered her was a desolate echo.

She frowned, and pursed her mouth. This hotel is really a nasty place, and there is not even a single person...

Baili Qinxue took a few more steps forward, and suddenly, she clutched her chest and fell directly to the ground.

Chest tightness, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation...

She opened her mouth and took a quick breath, but she found that even breathing was so difficult at this moment.

What's the matter, I didn't feel this discomfort just now...

She bit her lip and wanted to stand up, but found that she had no extra strength. Not long after, there was another burst of great pressure from the clouds, which made her unable to breathe even more.

Baili Qinxue's eyes suddenly widened as she took a quick breath.

Could it be that her discomfort was caused by these clouds, which were exerting great pressure on her?
Weird, what a weird place.

If no further measures were taken, she would surely suffocate to death.

Baili Qinxue closed her eyes and sat cross-legged. In an instant, a powerful spiritual force burst out from her body.

In an instant, the ethereal mental power and the misty clouds fought together. The two powerful forces were inseparable from each other, and there was a sense of rivalry.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips tightly, her face was pale, and cold sweat broke out from time to time on her forehead.

The cloud and mist had caused great disturbance to her just now, making her breathing extremely dull, coupled with the release of mental power, her body might not last long.

She gritted her teeth, took a sip of water from the space well with difficulty.

With the well water in her stomach, she felt that she finally felt a little more comfortable, but after a while, the discomfort came out again, which seemed to be a little stronger than before.

damn it……

The more you drink, the more uncomfortable you become, and the more you drink, the more useless you become. Could it be that you have developed resistance?
Baili Qinxue clenched her fists tightly, and her long fingertips submerged into her flesh for an instant. In an instant, blood flowed out, and the smell of blood was accompanied by pain, which made her spirit a little clearer.

Release, continuously release powerful spiritual power, the misty clouds around seem to dissipate a little...

Baili Qinxue didn't notice it, and the mental power in her body was released suddenly like a flood again.

If it continues like this, she will die as long as she exhausts her mental power.

So tired, so painful, I really want to sleep right here...

Baili Qinxue withdrew her hands, and the mental power in her body dissipated a little, but at this moment, the misty cloud seemed to be revived, and once again attacked like Baili Qinxue.

"damn it……"

Baili Qinxue felt suffocated unbearably, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground.

She gathered her fingertips, her legs were bent, and she curled up together, looking extremely painful.

"Could it be that you are going to die here..."

She bit her lip, and gradually closed her fingers a little, as if she wanted to grab something, but only the misty cloud was in her hand.


(End of this chapter)

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