Chapter 1702 A boxy ugly thing?

After half a cup of tea, she finally arrived at the place she was longing for.

There were still some clouds and mist floating around, Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, feeling lingering fear...

The cloud and mist just now were so powerful that she walked in front of the gate of hell. At this moment, she could still feel the suffocation in her chest. She bit her lip and frowned, and felt dizzy again.

The clouds are still misty.

Baili Qinxue stood there for a long time, but she didn't feel any bad feeling.

Could it be that... these clouds and mists are just decorations, and they don't have any lethality?

Thinking of this, Baili Qinxue's mood improved a lot. She turned her head and began to look at the place in front of her.

In addition to the clouds and mist around, there seemed to be a dark object looming in the misty clouds and mist. Baili Qinxue was startled, her whole heart was beating non-stop, as if it was about to jump out of the heart.

She clutched her heart and walked slowly towards that thing.

As they got closer, Baili Qinxue saw the square corners of that thing.

There are horns, and it is square, what is it?

With doubts hidden in her heart, Baili Qinxue's pace became a little faster.

Her feet were like the wind, and her figure flickered as if she could split the clouds and mists. When the clouds saw her coming, they seemed to have aura, and they automatically dispersed, making way for one path.

Baili Qinxue traveled unimpeded all the way. When she reached the end of the cloud and mist and saw the square thing clearly, she frowned and froze in place.

It was...a square and dark unknown object, with lifelike patterns engraved on its body. The patterns are beautiful, but with this dark color, it can't highlight the beauty of the patterns at all.

What is this thing?

Baili Qinxue looked around, but didn't reach out to move, because she was afraid that there would be some strange mechanisms around.

"What the hell are you?" She held her chin and muttered.

At this moment……

That ball of light appeared in front of Baili Qinxue again.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes suddenly, and looked at it in a daze, "It turned out to be you again, did you follow?"

The ball of light was dazzling, and it jumped up and down, as if answering her question.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her face was full of surprise, "Then can you tell me, what is this thing in front of you?"

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the boxy thing in front of her.

Take a closer look at this thing, it looks a bit like a cauldron, and it is a super ugly cauldron.

The light jumped around, but did not return to Baili Qinxue's question.

Baili Qinxue's eyes darkened, and she burst out laughing, "No wonder, you are just a ball of light, you can't speak at all, I was reckless..."

As soon as the words fell, the ray of light jumped up and down more violently, as if to refute her words.

Baili Qinxue trembled slightly as she watched.


The light was directly projected on the ultra-ugly cauldron, and in an instant, the body of the cauldron was covered with light.

The cyan light swept before Baili Qinxue's eyes, and there were some small beautiful dots in the light, which were crystal clear and beautiful, and the surrounding patterns seemed to come alive, as if they were about to fly out of the cauldron furnace. feel.

so beautiful...

Those cyan rays of light fit perfectly with this cauldron furnace, as if these rays of light were born to belong to the cauldron furnace.

Could it be...

The light that has been following her and helping her lead the way is itself the light on the cauldron?


(End of this chapter)

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