Chapter 171 Good things have been opened!
"We all have weapons..." Zhao Yu touched his chin, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Why don't you help us make a piece of clothing, so that even if we get hurt in the future, it won't be too serious."

Lin Wanwan nodded hastily. She has a few pieces of defensive clothing in her space, but they are all low-grade or medium-grade training items. This time she got a piece of eighth-grade black iron, and she must seriously fiddle with it. Fan, refining a few top-quality things.

Baili Qinxue thought about it for a while and didn't refuse. She is quite weak now and really needs a piece of clothing to defend herself.

"I don't know if there are any good things in the remaining stones?" Wei Nanzi became interested in something once in a while, and he always had an impatient face in the past, as if he didn't care about anything.

Baili Qinxue picked a piece and threw it to him, "You will know if you untie it and take a look."

She divided the remaining stones evenly, and each of them had five pieces, which was fair and just.

Wei Nanzi took the stone and quickly released a Yuanling spar from it.

Zhao Yu was jealous when he saw it, took five stones and went to the side to untie them, and Lin Wanwan also untied the remaining four stones.

There are more than a dozen pieces of stone raw materials, each of which has one good thing in it. There are three or four pieces of sixth-grade black iron, and one or two pieces of seventh-grade black iron. The rest are Yuan Ling spar.

Zhao Yu wiped his eyes. He swore that he had never seen anyone solve so many things at once in his entire life. Today, it's like a pie in the sky, and he treated them too kindly.

"It's incredible..." Wei Nanzi was a little dazed.

Lin Wanwan stared at those Yuan Ling spar and black iron with twinkling eyes. With these, she could practice her hands again.

Baili Qinxue didn't solve it after one or two pieces, and all the pieces that came out were Yuanling spar.

"Sister..." Dugu Sheng tugged at Baili Qinxue's sleeves, and analyzed in a low voice: "You gave them all stones with something, and the only thing you left for yourself was these two with something. "

"Smart." Baili Qinxue put those useless stones into the space, and said: "Anyway, they are some stones. After cooperating with Mu Liu, there are as many stones as you want, and these useless stones can be put into Mu Liu. Lyu's auction venue, ask those stupid guys to buy it, so that it won't be wasted..."

After all, the smile in his eyes deepened, and there was such an unfathomable taste.

Dugu Sheng was startled, then suddenly grinned and said, "Sister, from a certain point of view, you are quite sinister and scheming..."

Baili Qinxue reached out and patted the top of his head, "Little Baozi, don't speak so harshly."

Dugu Sheng covered his head in pain, but still had a smile on his face, "Sister, don't be upset, I'm just complimenting you."

"You're the only one with a sweet mouth..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows.

At this time, Zhao Yu gave Lin Wanwan all the Yuanling spar that he had unwrapped, and also gave her a piece of seventh-grade black iron. He waved his sleeves and said generously: "Stupid girl, these Let me practice for you."

Lin Wanwan was not polite, he hugged all the Yuan Ling spar, his eyes were shining brightly, "Ayu, Ayu, I know you are the best."

Zhao Yu waved his hand and said, "Anyway, I used to buy stone raw materials to solve it, and it was also to solve some good things for you, but it's just bad luck."

"Hmm, bad luck..." Lin Wanwan nodded sharply.

Wei Nanzi also gave her all the things he had unraveled. Anyway, he doesn't know how to refine weapons, so he might as well practice his hands for Lin Wanwan. When they refine more top-quality things in the future, they can also enjoy the blessings.


(End of this chapter)

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