Chapter 1713 Quickly remove the formation! !
After taking a panoramic view of everything, Baili Qinxue's eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

It's about to be broken...

"Patriarch, what are those things?"

"Our star array is about to be smashed, why is this..."

The star array of their family is like a solid wall, even the most powerful people can't break it, but why can such strange things break the star array?

The giants swallowed, feeling intense anxiety in their hearts.

"Patriarch, what should we do now?"

asked the giants in a panic.

The patriarch of the giant did not reply, his eyes were fixed on those creatures, as if he was confirming something.

"What's the matter with you, Patriarch?"

Seeing that he did not speak, the giants panicked.

The eyes of the giant patriarch still lingered on the ten creatures.

Those ten creatures... were exactly the same as those drawn in the books left by their ancestors, not a single bit different.

"Summoner..." The patriarch of the giant swallowed his saliva, his eyes suddenly changed and became extremely enthusiastic, "Summoner, it turned out to be a summoner, I didn't expect to see such a powerful existence in my lifetime... "

"Patriarch, what is a summoner?"

The giants were puzzled.

What is a summoner, why is the patriarch so excited?
The patriarch of the giant was very excited, and he looked at Baili Qinxue with warm eyes, "The Summoner is our family's savior, and it is recorded in the books left by our ancestors."

As soon as this remark came out, the giants went into a commotion.

They have also heard this legend, saying that there was a magnificent woman who saved their giant family, let them move here, and gave them two good things.

The sky is blue and the ground is white and the sky and the earth are black and yellow.

Their clan offered these two things like treasures.

"Patriarch, if she is a summoner, then she is the one who saved us thousands of years ago?"

asked the giants excitedly.

The patriarch of the giant frowned, "Impossible, I heard that the summoner has long since fallen, what this person said... probably has a lot to do with the benefactor, you should quickly remove the star array."

The giants responded and removed the star array.


Jinhua's bright light suddenly dimmed.

Baili Qinxue was a little puzzled, and quickly waved her hands to stop the creatures. After everything was done, she looked at the giant patriarch to see what the hell he was up to.

The patriarch of the giant also set his eyes on her, his eyes were so eager that Baili Qinxue frowned.

Why is there such a gaze, this style of painting is wrong...

At this moment, Qing Ge helped Jing Ye up.

Jing Ye looked at Baili Qinxue with complicated eyes, and the corner of his mouth moved, but he never spoke.

This woman turned out to be a summoner... Oh my god, this is amazing.

"Are you a summoner?" The giant patriarch bent down and looked at Baili Qinxue level.

As a patriarch, he was able to let go of his posture and look at an outsider at the same level.

Looking at it, Baili Qinxue felt a lot more comfortable, "Yes, I am a summoner, what advice does the Patriarch have?"

"Don't dare." The giant patriarch shook his head quickly, his eyes still eager, "A summoner rescued our giant family thousands of years ago and arranged it in this place. Therefore, our giant family is here in this land. I have lived in this place for thousands of years, even if the times change and all the ancestors die, we juniors have never left this place."


(End of this chapter)

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