Chapter 1725 Where's Dugu Sheng?
"Yeah, when we have nothing to do, we will come to this small yard to play, and help you clean it." Zhao Yu said, then laughed, "Look, little girl, the herbs in the flower garden, These days we are taking care of it.”

Baili Qinxue looked sideways, and indeed saw traces of moisture in the soil.

But these are used to drinking space well water, and drinking these ordinary river water does not have much effect.

She smiled and said, "Thank you."

Zhao Yu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, we are with whom."

Baili Qinxue tapped on the table without saying a word.

At this time, Lin Wanwan raised the stinky bear's fat paw, and asked again: "Well, where are the big chicken legs?"

Zhao Yu blinked, and suddenly remembered, "That's right, that brat, little girl, you must have changed the subject just now, but the stupid girl is clever."

Lin Wanwan raised her eyebrows, she was always smart.

Baili Qinxue lightly knocked on the table, the expression in her eyes dimmed slightly, "Big Baozi, he has gone home, and he probably won't be back for a while."

Zhao Yu was puzzled, "I went home, what is that kid doing back home?"

Jing Ye frowned, this kid has too many questions...

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, her voice was indifferent, "Big Baozi fell ill on the road, and his house happened to be nearby, so I sent him home, and because there was a servant girl to take care of him, I came back first." .”

Zhao Yu was even more surprised, "That kid is as strong as a cow, and he will also get sick?"

Wei Nanzi glanced at him, and said with disgust: "The body is mortal, and illness is the most common thing in the world. It's really stupid to see you make a fuss."


Zhao Yu's eyes were blank, this kid's mouth is so poisonous?

"Well, the chicken leg, is the big chicken leg seriously ill?" Lin Wanwan tilted his head, why did he feel that the chicken leg had a strange expression, as if he was lonely?
Baili Qinxue shook her head, raised her eyes a little, but her eyes were calm and devoid of any emotion, "It's okay, I think it should be better now..."

Jing Ye lowered her brows and eyes.

I don't know what happened to the young master at the moment...

However, with the old master taking care of her, the young master will be fine.

When Zhao Yu heard this, he curled his lips into a smile and said, "Then he will come over after he recovers."

With that kid's pissing nature, wherever Baili Qinxue is, he will go there.

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyebrows, smiled and did not speak.

"Little sister, I'm too busy talking about that brat. Tell us, what interesting things have you encountered in the Northern Continent these days?" Zhao Yu's eyes sparkled.

The four thieves also became interested and flew down from the eaves.

There were still four people hiding on the eaves, and he didn't notice it, damn it...

Looking at the faces of the four people, they don't look like good people.

He stroked the sword at his waist, staring at them like a wild wolf.

"Boss, you're finally back." The four thieves said in unison: "The four of you are going to miss you."

Jing Ye let go of his hands, hum, he turned out to be an acquaintance.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, but said nothing.

"Boss, tell me about the interesting things you encountered on the road." The four thieves said again.

Baili Qinxue nodded, and told a part of what happened on the road, which made everyone stunned.

Not only did I go to the World of Warcraft Forest to practice, but I even went to the North Continent to play. During the game, I also encountered a World of Warcraft race and a competition for refining medicine...


(End of this chapter)

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