Chapter 1730 Too Bad People...

Everyone chattered in unison, and it spread into Baili Qinxue's ears in minutes.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and smiled, but the emotion on her face did not change at all.

That's right, she is the spiritual root of the Five Elements, but she is not useless, nor is it what they say.

"Are these students sick?" Zhao Yu frowned and muttered, "They forgot about the young girl's heroic appearance in the college competition?"

Zhao Yu was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he muttered again: "I remember, these students were so excited at that time, why did they turn around and say that they are useless, are they stupid..."

Wei Nanzi raised his eyes and snorted coldly, "In their eyes, the spiritual root of the five elements is useless. This kind of thinking has been deeply ingrained in their heads, and it won't be solved in a short while."

Zhao Yu pouted, "What a bunch of ignorant people."

Lin Wanwan played with the stinky bear's paws, and his voice was so flat that there were no waves, "Well, the chicken leg will definitely win later, and it will be very beautiful. We just need to stand still and watch the chicken leg hit the face quietly, and that will be fine."

Zhao Yu's eyes lit up, he laughed and said, "Stupid girl, what you say makes sense."

Lin Wanwan retracted his hand, patted his head, and said, "Well, I have a smart head."

Zhao Yu smiled silently, and reached out to pat her on the head again.

Lin Wanwan covered his head with contempt on his face.

Wei Nanzi snorted coldly, "Don't make trouble, you two, the competition has already begun, so concentrate on watching the competition."

In the middle of the clearing, the competition between the three has already begun.

Both Liu Cheng and Xi Lan Lu are warriors, and they used close combat as soon as they came up.

"Baili Qinxue's magic is very tricky, so now we have to cling to her tightly and prevent her from releasing any magic. In this way, we will have a higher chance of winning." Liu Cheng pursed her lips and whispered in Xilanlu's ear muttered.

Xilan's green eyes lit up, "Xiaocheng, what you said makes sense, we two are clinging to Baili Qinxue now, and she won't be beaten to the ground by then, haha..."

Liu Cheng squinted, looked at her coldly, and the corners of Shu'er's lips curled up again with a sinister arc, "At that time, we will give her a good lesson, so as to eliminate all kinds of grievances in the past."

Xi Lanlu's eyes were shining brightly, she said: "Good idea, I think she is very upset, but there is nothing to do, today..."

Liu Cheng took a few glances at Baili Qinxue, and saw that she had been hiding and had no chance to make a move.

When she was overjoyed, the curvature of the corner of her mouth became more and more flamboyant.

Little bitch, it finally fell into her hands today, haha.

Baili Qinxue knew that the two of them were peeing, so at this moment, she was probably secretly delighted.

Let them laugh again, Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, smiled lowly, and dodged quickly again, dodging their attacks.

From the beginning to the end, she was calm and relaxed, without any anxiety at all.

Jing Ye stood outside and watched coldly.

Why doesn't this woman make a move, is she stupid?
"Why hasn't Miss Baili made a move yet?" Jing Ye narrowed his eyes and muttered, "You won't be entangled by these two girls, will you?"

Zhao Yu tilted his head and said with a smile: "Brother Jingye, it seems that you don't know little sister well. The little sister is giving them pleasure right now. After waiting for a while, the time is almost up, so just beat them down and let them Taste the pain of falling into hell, it's interesting to have both pleasure and pain."

Hearing this, Jing Ye's body trembled.

As expected of the young master's favorite person, this approach is similar to the young master's.

too bad...


(End of this chapter)

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