Chapter 1735 Take off your clothes for me!
Liu Cheng looked at the back of her leaving Juechen, her eyes widened a little, "Princess Lu'er, we are grasshoppers on the same rope, how can you just leave..."

When the autumn wind blew, Liu Cheng's figure looked particularly embarrassed and depressed.

She beat the ground hard with her hands, the sinister and stern eyes in her eyes were almost overflowing.

Baili Qinxue is a little bitch, and Xilanlu is also a bitch...

In the future, she must make them look good.

Baili Qinxue glanced at her, curled her lips, and left with a flick of her sleeve.

Liu Cheng looked at Baili Qinxue's back, wishing to shoot a hole in her back.

"Little sister, you were so heroic just now, you beat them so hard that they dare not make a sound." Zhao Yu leaned closer with a smile.

Baili Qinxue chuckled, looked sideways at the angry Liu Cheng, and said softly, "They fought too much at first, I just taught them a little lesson."

Zhao Yu nodded and said, "Indeed, their tempers are too bad, and they always come to provoke them. It's up to them to teach them a lesson. In the future, they will calm down a bit."

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and sneered, "It's hard to say, if they don't keep them together, they will become more frustrated and courageous, but it's okay, it's just a little troublesome."

A group of people were talking when they saw a little maid running over in a panic.

"Miss Liu, Second Master Liu asked you to go home as soon as possible, saying that he wanted to discuss some things with you." The little maid ran to Liu Cheng's side and looked at her condescendingly.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng gritted her teeth and got angry.

"How dare a lowly maid look at me like this?" Liu Cheng squinted her eyes, her words were cold and sharp.

When the servant girl heard this, her legs went limp and she immediately fell to the ground.

"Miss, this servant didn't do it on purpose, Second Lord Liu was very anxious and asked this servant to come and find Miss." The servant girl lowered her eyebrows, looking cautious.

"My father is looking for me?" Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did anyone say what it is?"

The maid shook her head, as if she didn't know, "I don't know, I just help the second master pass the message."

Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes coldly, and said angrily: "Useless things, don't even know a little bit."

The servant girl was scolded until her eyes were full of tears, but because of her majesty, she dared not say a word.

After a long while, the servant girl finally opened her mouth and asked cautiously: "Miss, are you going back then, the second master may have to wait..."

Liu Cheng took a deep breath, glanced at her a few times, and suddenly, she narrowed her eyes and shouted angrily: "You bitch are blind, aren't you? My clothes have become like this. You want me to wear them?" What kind of mind do you have for walking on the long street like this?"

The servant girl was stunned by the scolding.

"This servant didn't do it on purpose, this servant will go back and help Miss get her clothes..." the servant girl said cautiously, swallowing her saliva.

Liu Cheng glared at her a few times, but still felt a little unhappy, "You go to get it now, and you want me to wait for a long time... Why don't you take off your clothes and give them to me."

The maid clutched her collar tightly, dumbfounded.


Liu Cheng raised her eyebrows, her eyes were sharp, "Can you take it off?"

The servant girl couldn't stand her coercion, she took off her coat with trembling hands, and put on an underwear.

Some people watched this explosive scene and whistled happily.

I was able to see the young girl undressing, it was a live version, so happy, thanks to Baili Qinxue!

(End of this chapter)

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