Chapter 1746 Liu Cheng's Small Abacus?

Jing Ye nodded, without any objection at all.

After the two returned, Baili Qinxue ordered the surrounding creatures to help keep an eye on Xilanlu and Liucheng, and if anything happened, they must come and tell her.

With the help of the creatures, Baili Qinxue was able to relax a little.

But after a few days, the creatures stared at it every day, but they didn't find anything unusual.

To talk about the unusual place... Today, Liu Cheng went to Ding Jingtai's residence, and stayed there for two or three hours before coming out, and when she came out, she was like a baby, her whole body was beaming, which really made her People are strange.

Listening to the explanations of the creatures, Baili Qinxue frowned directly.

Liu Cheng, who is so arrogant and arrogant, would go to Ding Jingtai's house for no reason, and he would go there for two or three hours?

Moreover, Liu Cheng and Ding Jingtai still have a marriage contract, Liu Cheng should hate Ding Jingtai very much, if she hates Ding Jingtai so much, how could she spend so many hours in his house.

and so……

Baili Qinxue tapped on the table, her lips raised slightly.

There must be some unknown secret in this.

Seeing that Baili Qinxue's face was erratic, Jing Ye couldn't help asking, "Miss Baili, do you know anything?"

I haven't seen the little helper she found these days, as if she didn't act at all, but...everything can't escape her eyes, even if she stays in the academy, she can know any news.

Jing Ye frowned, and pursed his lips tightly, could it be...

These little helpers she found are the creatures in this world?
As long as she is willing, anything in the world can be her helper, and summoners are really powerful...

After he figured it out, the doubts in Jing Ye's eyes faded away, and the eyes he looked at Baili Qinxue became more respectful.

Baili Qinxue gently wiped off the dust on the table, and said, "Xilan Green is not unusual, but Liu Cheng, she has a behavior that I am very concerned about."

Jing Ye raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of doubts, "What move?"

Baili Qinxue stood up, the white gauze dress on her body was fluttering in the wind, like pure white snowflakes, she squinted and said: "Liu Cheng stayed in Ding Jingtai's house for two or three hours, which makes me very concerned. "

Jing Ye frowned upon hearing this.

Who is Ding Jingtai?
It's so strange to stay in the house for two or three hours, maybe he is a good friend and wants to get together...

Baili Qinxue straightened her clothes and said, "Ding Jingtai works in Liu Cheng's house, Liu Cheng regards him as a lowly servant, and Liu Erye wants Ding Jingtai to be his son-in-law, Liu Cheng is quite dissatisfied with this, She even hated Ding Jingtai, you said, would such a woman stay under the same roof for two or three hours with someone she hates?"

Hearing this, Jing Ye's eyes darkened, "It's indeed a bit abnormal... If you want to stay with someone you hate, you are either stupid, or you have a reason to threaten him."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes were stained with a layer of frost, "That's right, Liu Cheng may know something..."

Knowing that the relationship between Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang is different, she wanted to use this as a threat to make Ding Jingtai submit obediently and withdraw the engagement.

If Ding Jingtai makes such a fuss...

Liu Erye's grievances will be spread on him, and Liu Cheng will only be the weak side, as long as she stands and cries, she will be able to gain the sympathy of others.


(End of this chapter)

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