Chapter 1748 We have to split up!
He bit his lip, feeling a little annoyed why he put the portrait in the wing room, it would be better if he put it at home, and he wouldn't let Liu Cheng take advantage of it.

"Then, Ding Chongyang is indeed at Liu Cheng's place?" Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and dared to kidnap her...

Ding Jingtai nodded, his brows and eyes were full of annoyance, "That's right, she threatened me today, if I don't go to Liu Erye to divorce my engagement, I will give Little Brother Chongyang to..."

He didn't go any further, and a layer of fear and annoyance gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Will you kill him?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyes and said these words lightly, but her eyes were filled with frost.

Anyone who wants to kill her has no way!

Ding Jingtai nodded with difficulty, the anger in his eyes was about to overflow, "Yeah... I really don't know how she can be so cruel..."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and sneered, "Liu Cheng is a ruthless person, and she might have sent the killer last time. What do you think, Ding Jingtai, don't you feel it?"

Hearing this, Ding Jingtai froze on the spot, his face changed again and again, after a long while, he opened his mouth and said: "To be able to know everything about black market treasures like the palm of your hand, and to have such financial resources, besides Mr. Liu, there is only Miss Liu. It's not that I didn't notice it, I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but I didn't expect her to..."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and then said: "I didn't expect that she would get worse and kidnap"

Ding Jingtai's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Baili Qinxue with a complicated expression.

"How do you know..." He swallowed, his lips trembling.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, stared at him with her dark eyes, and said: "The last time you told Ding Chongyang about your younger brother, Ding Chongyang had already told me about it, and with your attitude towards Ding Chongyang, your eyebrows I can guess some of the similarities between them, but from your tone of voice just now, my guess is indeed correct."

Ding Jingtai shook his head, and let out a sudden laugh, "Patriarch Baili is really smart, and he has nothing to hide from you... Then, little brother Chongyang, does he know?"

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, stroked the teacup, and said with a smile: "You didn't say anything, naturally you have any scruples, I still respect your decision."

When Ding Jingtai heard this, he curled his lips into a smile and said, "Thank you Patriarch Baili for keeping it secret for me."

Baili Qinxue waved her hand and said, "It's okay, but it's better to talk about some things as soon as possible, so as not to regret it later, Ding Jingtai, are you right?"

Ding Jingtai was silent for a moment, then nodded after a long while, and said: "Patriarch Baili is right, some things are indeed better to be discussed as soon as possible..."

Baili Qinxue lowered her head, played with the teacup and said, "Now that you have understood it clearly, what should you do next?"

Ding Jingtai narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were full of determination, "I'm going to divorce Second Master Liu and bring Brother Chongyang back."

Baili Qinxue's subordinates paused for a moment, then raised her head suddenly, and said: "Liu Cheng is a ruthless person, I'm afraid she won't keep her promise, and Ding Chongyang will be in danger."

Ding Jingtai was startled, full of worry, "Probably not..."

Baili Qinxue put down the teacup, her eyes suddenly sharpened, "Everything should be done just in case, so..."

Ding Jingtai was puzzled and waited for her to continue.

Baili Qinxue turned her head to look at Ding Jingtai, her dark eyes were stained with frost, her voice was cold, "I want you to hold Liu Cheng first and try to comfort her, while Jing Ye and I will go find the place where Ding Chongyang is trapped." , and then bring him back, this is the best solution."


(End of this chapter)

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