Chapter 1753 The order is wrong?
Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and said with a light smile, "Wait a minute, there may be something even more shocking."

Even more shocking?
Shifang Ding was stunned for a moment, but there was no sound for a long time.

Baili Qinxue ignored it and continued to skillfully handle the herbs.

Shifang Ding looked at it, and was surprised again.

Baili Qinxue calmed down and processed the herbs in a short while.

Shifang Ding was amazed again, it was so fast, it processed all the herbs in the blink of an eye, if it was someone else, it might not be able to handle it in half a day.

What's more, all the herbs in her hands are of high grade, she didn't hesitate at all, so it was done in one go.

Shifang Ding sighed a few times, feeling a little more admiration in his heart.

Baili Qinxue smiled, and stretched out her hand to rub Shifang Ding, "I'm going to throw the herbs in now, are you ready?"

Shifang Ding snorted, and said, "This fetish is naturally ready. Throw the herbs in quickly."

Baili Qinxue's eyes were dark and bright, and she threw all the herbs into them at once.

As soon as the medicinal herb entered, the light around Shifang Ding became even more dazzling. Baili Qinxue was stunned for a moment, her eyes were a little shocked, and her dark and clear eyes became even brighter.

"I didn't expect that if you threw a handful of herbs into it, you would become even more dazzling. It's really pretty." Baili Qinxue blinked and chuckled softly.

Shifang Ding said proudly: "This fetish is an ancient one, so it is naturally beautiful."

Baili Qinxue laughed, "Okay, don't be shy, I'm going to start refining medicine, please concentrate."

When Shifang Ding heard the words, he immediately fell silent.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, condensing fire magic in her palm.

The Shifang Ding was fired with scorching and pure fire magic, and the flames had a beautiful faint blue color.

When Shifang Ding saw it, he was stunned for a moment, and after a while he exclaimed loudly, "My God, did your fire magic incorporate divine fire?"

This burning sensation, this purity, and that tiny wisp of blue in the fire, what else could it be if it wasn't divine fire?

Oh my god, this person actually possesses divine fire...

Baili Qinxue distracted her attention a little, and said: "As expected of an ancient divine object, you can tell it is a divine fire with just a quick glance, but it's a pity that this divine fire has not yet formed, and if it does, it will turn into a beautiful blue color Woolen cloth."

Shifang Dingdao: "It's a bit insightful. I even know that my divine fire has not yet formed. However, as long as you devote yourself to practicing in the future, the formation of the divine fire will be just around the corner."

Baili Qinxue nodded, but didn't say a word.

Feeling the scorching heat of the divine fire, Shifang Ding hummed comfortably.

Seeing that it was almost time, Baili Qinxue threw the beard and hard shell of the dragon turtle into it.

"What did you throw in there just now?" Shifang Cauldron was startled, and suddenly started whimpering.

Baili Qinxue looked calm, and said: "The long beard and hard shell of the dragon turtle, I put it on the table just now, you should have seen it."

Shifang Ding spoke, his voice seemed a little eager, "I know this god, but..."

Baili Qinxue realized something was wrong, so she asked, "But what, did I put it wrong?"

The voice of Shifang Ding sounded again, and there seemed to be a taste of hatred for iron but not steel: "Put the long beard and hard shell of the dragon turtle in it, which can improve the quality and effect of the elixir, but you put it The order is wrong."


(End of this chapter)

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