Chapter 1757 There are five god-level pills!
Baili Qinxue picked up a recovery pill, stroked it and said, "Since you said so, it must be a god-level pill, so it turns out that god-level pills look like this..."

Just like a piece of handicraft, it is so beautiful and delicate.

"I really didn't expect this fetish..." Shifang Ding paused, but did not continue.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and asked back, "I really didn't expect anything?"

Shifang Ding paused, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "It's fine if you can refine a god-level pill, but I didn't expect to be able to refine five god-level pills, even though Huishen Pill is the most common pill. Medicine, but this is a god-level pill, not some rotten cabbage, you can refine five pills at once..."

Baili Qinxue's face was calm, and she said lightly: "I can refine more than 20 ordinary recovery pills, so this one is quite rare..."


Ordinary Huishen Dan can refine more than 20 pills in one furnace?

When did the pills on this continent turn into rotten cabbages?
"You are too perverted, I don't want to talk to you." Shifang Ding swallowed, and it seemed angry that it didn't want to talk to Baili Qinxue anymore.

At this time, the smell of medicine in the room dissipated a lot.

Baili Qinxue looked at the elixir in her hand, and suddenly said, "I want to make a few more batches of elixir, are you ready?"

Thinking of the divine fire that can make it comfortable, Shifang Ding said excitedly: "Of course it is ready, you should practice quickly, and stop talking nonsense."

The corners of Baili Qinxue's lips rose, she was really impatient.

She caressed the Shifang Ding, just now when she took out the ingredients of the Huoxue Pill, there was a knock on the door.

dong dong dong.

The knock on the door was unhurried, Baili Qinxue calmly threw the Shifang Ding and the elixir into the space, then stood up and asked, "What's the matter with Jing Ye?"

Jing Ye outside the door was slightly taken aback.

This woman didn't even open the door, she knew it was him knocking on the door, which is really amazing.

Seeing that Jing Ye didn't speak, Baili Qinxue opened the door first.

"Jing Ye, do you have any news about the little snakes?" She asked in a low voice with a calm face.

As soon as the door opened, Jing Ye smelled a scent, although it was weak, it was exactly the same as the scent that wafted out just now.

What kind of fragrance is this? Not only does it taste good, but the effect is also very good.

As soon as he smells it, all the fatigue on his body is eliminated, which is super miraculous.

"Yes." Jing Ye raised his eyes, and said with a serious look: "The little snakes are all back, and they should have brought news."

Baili Qinxue was overjoyed, "The little snakes your firewood house now?"

Jing Ye's face was livid, "Yes, they are in my woodshed."

There were so many little snakes that robbed his firewood house as soon as they came, and he couldn't kill or drive them away, it was simply hateful.

When Jing Ye thought about it, he felt extremely bad.

Baili Qinxue seemed to see his displeasure, but she didn't say anything. She said softly, "Take me to meet those little snakes."

"Okay." Jing Ye nodded.

Baili Qinxue walked away, and after walking a few steps, she found that Jing Ye was still standing there, she turned her head and asked, "Jing Ye, why don't you leave, is there anything else?"

Jing Ye paused, and then asked: "Miss Baili, I smelled a very strong fragrance outside just now, and it made me feel refreshed. What kind of fragrance is this?"

It's really miraculous, and it can be smelled clearly outside... However, it's not something shameful.


(End of this chapter)

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