Chapter 1763 I can give up all glory!

Liu Erye was so angry that he didn't want to speak, Liu Cheng continued to insist: "Father, you see that Ding Jingtai is so persistent, if you continue to talk, it means that no one has to marry him. How do you want others to treat your daughter?" .”

"But..." Erye Liu felt Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, he pursed his lips, but couldn't say a word.

Liu Cheng clenched her fists tightly, her face turned blue with anger.

It's already like this, but her father is still so persistent, it's simply abominable.

She winked at Ding Jingtai.

Ding Jingtai took in all her eyes, his thin lips were pursed, his face was a little ugly.

He took a step forward and said again: "Second Master Liu, please agree to my request. I am really not suitable for Miss Liu. Miss Liu is suitable for a better man, but not me."

Hearing this, Erye Liu was furious again, "Ding Jingtai, I have treated you so well, do you want to be ungrateful?"

Ding Jingtai pursed his lips, bowed and said: "Second Master Liu, you really can't force your feelings. If there is any need for me in the future, I will definitely do my best to help."

Liu Cheng also persuaded from the side: "Daddy, Ding Jingtai has already said so, so don't insist on it..."

Second Master Liu lowered his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

He hoped that Ding Jingtai and Liu Cheng would get married, but also for the future of the black market.

What if Ding Jingtai went out to work alone in the future and became an enemy of the black market?
Therefore, marrying Ding Jingtai and Liu Cheng is the best way to ensure a long-term and stable status in the black market. However, instead of being grateful for Ding Jingtai, Ding Jingtai wants to withdraw from the marriage, which is simply disgusting.

"No..." Liu Erye squinted his eyes and said sharply: "Ding Jingtai, you eat what I have and live with me. Your current achievements all come from me. You can't disobey me. You must marry Xiaocheng."

"Daddy..." Liu Cheng stomped her feet angrily, and she winked at Ding Jingtai again.

Ding Jingtai took a deep breath and said calmly, "Second Master Liu, what are you going to do to let me go?"

Second Master Liu lingered on Ding Jingtai's face, his soaring anger seemed to want to burn him.

"All your glory today comes from me. If you want to disobey me, you have to abandon all these glory, and you have to swear that you will never step into the black market again, and you will never be an enemy of the black market in the future."

After the words fell, Second Master Liu narrowed his eyes.

A person who dares to disobey does not need to stay by his side, it is better to drive him away to avoid future troubles.

When Liu Cheng heard this, she laughed happily.

Haha, it's great, not only can the marriage be dissolved, but Ding Jingtai can also be driven away, which is simply excellent.

Ding Jingtai was slightly stunned, and quickly realized, "If this is what Liu Erye wants, I am willing to follow your arrangement and leave this place. I will never set foot here, nor will I become an enemy of this place."

Hearing this, Erye Liu was relieved, "Remember what you said today."

"Wait..." Liu Cheng said again, with a look of viciousness in her eyes, "Daddy, you can't just let Ding Jingtai go, and your daughter's reputation will be ruined, wouldn't it be too cheap for him?"

Ding Jingtai narrowed his eyes, and glanced at Liu Cheng calmly.

What else does she want to do?
Second Master Liu also looked at Liu Cheng suspiciously, and said, "Xiao Cheng, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Liu Cheng stood up again, raised his eyebrows and said: "Ding Jingtai has seriously challenged the dignity of our Liu family, father must teach him a lesson, otherwise, the reason why our Liu family has gained a foothold in the black market will definitely be laughed at..."


(End of this chapter)

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