Chapter 1768 Is there something hidden?
"Shut up." Second Master Liu glared at her, then cast his eyes on Baili Qinxue, and said, "Patriarch Baili, it was the little girl who was too naughty to kidnap this little brother. This matter was also caused by my improper discipline, please don't blame me."

He wouldn't have bowed his head to a female doll if it wasn't for his embarrassment.

"Second Master Liu doesn't have to be like this." Baili Qinxue narrowed his eyes and said, "Ding Chongyang is fine, I don't care about it, it's just..."

Liu Cheng's heart skipped a beat, she hurriedly asked: "Just what?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, cast her eyes on Ding Jingtai, and said, "When I came in, I heard that Ding Jingtai retired, and you still want to beat him fifty times?"

"That's right." Liu Cheng pursed her lips and said triumphantly, "He's retiring because he's challenging the dignity of my Liu family. Hitting him fifty times is already cheap for him."

Second Master Liu remained silent, but frowned.

Family ugliness, who the hell is publicizing this family ugliness? Damn it...

Baili Qinxue looked at Liu Cheng, her dark eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, "About the marriage? What's hidden in the resignation? I believe Miss Liu knows better than me. Do you need me to tell you?"

"No!" Liu Cheng exclaimed eagerly.

Second Master Liu frowned even tighter, and he shouted: "Xiaocheng, what are you hiding from me?"

Liu Cheng was so scared that she blushed, and she said: "Daddy, I didn't hide anything from you, I just thought about it... Actually, Ding Jingtai has paid so much for our Liu family, and now he is leaving, we shouldn't fight Instead, he should treat it with a normal heart, so that others will praise our Liu family for its generosity."

Ding Jingtai was taken aback.

Changed your temper so quickly?

Jing Ye and Ding Chongyang were very happy.

Hmph, wanting to fight her is simply beyond one's capabilities.

Second Master Liu thought for a moment, and felt that her words made sense, "Xiao Cheng makes sense..."

Liu Cheng took a look at Baili Qinxue's expression, seeing her natural expression, the fear in her heart eased a bit.

Baili Qinxue also continued to talk: "That's right, harmony makes money, don't let others see the joke."

Second Master Liu lowered his eyes and nodded his head lightly.

Liu Cheng glanced at Baili Qinxue again, and echoed again: "That's right, but don't let others see the joke, they might say that my Liu family is stingy."

Second Master Liu raised his eyes suddenly, nodded his head accordingly, and said: "That's right, Ding Jingtai has already said that he wants to leave the black market and will never return to the black market, so I have no reason to punish him any more. "

After that, he looked sideways at Ding Jingtai and said, "Ding Jingtai, since you have given up your glory, I won't make things difficult for you anymore, but I gave you everything including your house, so... ..."

Ding Jingtai looked calm, nodded and said: "I understand, I will not take anything away."

Second Master Liu glanced at him lightly, but there was no trace of warmth in his eyes, "Well, I hope you will take care of yourself, and I hope you will remember what you said today."

Ding Jingtai nodded, calm and calm.

Liu Cheng looked at Ding Jingtai mockingly, and realized that Baili Qinxue was here, so she quickly looked back.

Baili Qinxue stayed in the house for a while, seeing that it was late, she smiled and bowed and said, "Second Master Liu, since I have found the shopkeeper, let's take our leave first."

After saying that, she glanced at Liu Cheng with a half-smile, "Please, Miss Liu, don't make such jokes next time, but I'm in a hurry..."


(End of this chapter)

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