Chapter 1772 Maybe I want to collect it...

Being so close, Baili Qinxue heard the students' conversations in her ears.

"Look, that is Ding Liufeng, the eldest son of the Tiaoshi family in the North Continent, the Ding family."

"I saw it, I heard that the Ding family's stone-picking skills are outstanding, as long as the stones he picks out, there will always be something inside."

"It's so powerful, isn't the Ding family going to prosper?"

"Naturally, it is developed, otherwise, how could it be possible to become an aristocratic family in the Northern Continent."

"Then tell me, if this eldest son of the Ding family compares with Ding Jingtai of the Liu Erye's family, who is more powerful?"

As soon as this question came out, some active students also fell silent.

Both are very powerful characters, if we say who is more powerful... there is no comparison, so we can't talk nonsense.

After hearing this, Baili Qinxue frowned, "The Tiaoshi family in the Northern Continent, the Ding family?"

Jing Ye nodded, "That's what they said."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, "I haven't heard of it. I didn't expect such an aristocratic family to exist. I don't know what this son-in-law is doing at Xiling College. It's quite interesting."

Jing Ye bit her lip and said nothing.

At this time, the students became more active.

"What do you say, the eldest son of the Tiaoshi family, what is he doing at our Xiling Academy?"

"I heard that they are here for fun. By the way, I want to share my experience and experience in rock picking."

"So that's it, then who is that masked woman next to him, that figure looks pretty good..."

"It seems to be the concubine daughter of the Ye family in the Northern Continent, who was disfigured not long ago..."

The students turned their heads to look at Ye Huansha.

Ye Huansha bit her lip, her face turned blue with anger.

Who on earth spread the news, dared to say that she was disfigured, damn it.

Seeing her ugly face, the students obediently stopped talking.

Ye Huansha took a deep breath, and felt much better. She tilted her head slightly, and met Baili Qinxue's eyes.

Her eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but froze in place.

What a beautiful woman, her face is as pale as white jade, her eyes are like bright black pearls, her lips are like cherry blossoms, she can't wait to keep everything in her collection.

She swallowed, her eyes flashed with heat.

Baili Qinxue took in all her eyes and frowned suddenly.

I'm afraid Ye Huansha is playing some perverted idea again...

Ye Huansha looked at her happily, the heat in her eyes increased a bit.

Baili Qinxue withdrew her gaze, but did not take her gaze to heart.

Ye Huansha kept lingering on her body, and she reluctantly looked back after a long time.

Jing Ye frowned, lowered his voice to Baili Qinxue's ear, and said, "Miss Baili is looking at you, she must have recognized you, right?"

Baili Qinxue shook her head, and also lowered her voice, "We changed our faces at the time, she couldn't have recognized it, and this Ye Huansha was a bit perverted, I know why she looked at me like that."

Jing Ye blinked his eyes, looking eager to know.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and murmured, "She may have taken a fancy to certain parts of my body, and she wants to cut them off for collection..."

Some parts, cut off for collection?

This is too bloody, too perverted.

Jing Ye swallowed, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Baili Qinxue looked at him and chuckled, "Are you scared?"

Jing Ye was startled, and quickly shook his head, putting on a fearless expression.


(End of this chapter)

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