Chapter 1775 It may not be peaceful...

Liu Cheng glanced at her, and said in a nonchalant tone, "You really want to know?"

Ye Huansha didn't take her anger seriously at all, she nodded hastily, and said, "Well, I'm curious, just tell me, Miss Liu..."

Liu Cheng took a deep breath, and said after calming down, "Don't Miss Ye think that her temperament is very similar to that ugly woman I met in the Northern Continent last time?"

It's that woman named Xiaoxue, she wins every competition, it's just hateful.

When Liu Cheng said that, Ye Huansha really felt like it.

She pursed her lips, and said: "It's really quite similar, but I think the woman in front of me has a better temperament, that girl named Xiaoxue is too ugly, how can she compare with her, by the way, what's her name ?”

Liu Cheng pursed her lips, seeing that Ye Huansha cared so much about Baili Qinxue, she also felt a little uncomfortable.

"Her name is Baili Qinxue." Liu Cheng bit her lip and said in a bad tone: "She is just a little slut who troubles me all day long, and just now she stayed near the black market and troubled me, it's really hateful. "

Ye Huansha glanced at her casually, and said, "You must have troubled her first, right?"

She knows Liu Cheng's temperament, she always likes to make trouble for others, but she always fails.

Hearing this, Liu Cheng frowned and didn't know what to say.

Ye Huansha raised her eyebrows. Seeing her expression like this, she knew she had guessed right.

She glanced at Baili Qinxue a few more times, and said after she looked away: "Baili Qinxue is my fancy collection, you can't do anything to her, if you dare to make a move, I won't do anything to her." I will help you speak well in front of Young Master Ding."

When Liu Cheng heard it, she froze in place.

"What are you talking about, are you really confused by that little bitch?" Liu Cheng opened her mouth, and it took a long time before she recovered her voice.

Ye Huansha nodded with a smile, her eyes were almost dark, a little scary, "She is my most satisfying collection, as long as I can touch her, you are not allowed."

Liu Cheng pursed her lips, not knowing what to say at all.

After a long time, she said: "Since Ms. Ye has said so, then I will definitely respect Ms. Ye."

Ye Huansha approached her, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said, "Miss Liu is considered sensible, don't forget to come to my inn tonight..."

Although Liu Cheng was annoyed, she still nodded obediently.

Seeing this, Ye Huansha smiled very happily.

"Miss Liu, can you please lead the way and take us around Xiling College?" Ding Liufeng suddenly turned back and smiled at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng was startled, and suddenly felt flattered.

Ye Huansha saw that Liu Cheng was well-behaved, but she didn't make a sound to stop her, "Miss Liu, Mr. Ding is calling you."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng regained his composure, "Master Ding, Miss Ye please come here, the most beautiful scenery of our Xiling College is over there..."

The three talked while walking, and soon the figures of the three faded out of Baili Qinxue's sight.

Baili Qinxue looked at the back of the three leaving, and a faint smile appeared on her lips, "The arrival of these people makes me feel that the days to come will not be peaceful, maybe I'm too sensitive..."

Jing Ye pursed his lips and said nothing.

Baili Qinxue glanced at Jing Ye and said, "Let's go back."

Jing Ye nodded, and then the two went back.

After staying in the house for a few days, these days are extremely peaceful, and I didn't see Liu Cheng and the others coming to find fault.

Baili Qinxue held her chin and fiddled with the herbs on the table.


(End of this chapter)

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