Chapter 1779 Can a servant compare to you?

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and moved a little away calmly.

At this time, Ding Liufeng who was closing his eyes to rest suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Who is Ding Jingtai?"

Liu Cheng was startled, and asked with some doubts: "Why did Mr. Ding mention this person?"

Ding Liufeng frowned, and said: "I've been hearing people talking about Ding Jingtai these days, and some people even compared me to him. They all said that Ding Jingtai was very good at picking stones, and he was also familiar with Miss Liu. not real?"

When Liu Cheng heard it, she felt uncomfortable.

This hateful Ding Jingtai didn't let people stop even after he left.

Seeing that Liu Cheng didn't speak, Ding Liufeng pursed his lips and asked again: "I heard that Ding Jingtai works in Miss Liu's black market, why didn't you call him up today?"

Liu Cheng's face darkened, which bastard was talking nonsense, Ding Jingtai had already left the black market.

Seeing Liu Cheng's mind wandering into the sky, Ding Liufeng frowned, his face was a bit unsightly, he said displeased: "Is it not convenient for Miss Liu to speak?"

Liu Cheng was stunned, and then recovered, and said: "It's not convenient to speak, it's just that Ding Jingtai did something wrong a few days ago, so we kicked him out of the black market. Where is he now, I really am I no longer know."

Ding Liufeng replied clearly, "So that's the case, it's not a good thing after all, otherwise, Miss Liu would not have driven him out of the black market, and those people would compare him with me, it's simply unreasonable."

After hearing this, Baili Qinxue glanced at Ding Liufeng calmly.

Thinking about it, she is also a person whose eyes are higher than the top, and who thinks very highly of herself, she sneered, and then looked away again.

Liu Cheng pursed her lips, and echoed with a smile: "That's right, Ding Jingtai is just a useless villain, how can he be compared with Mr. Ding."

The carriage bumped all the way, making Ding Liufeng very comfortable. He pulled the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "Since Ding Jingtai is so bad, why do so many people compare me with him? It's really hateful."

Liu Cheng rolled his eyes, thought about his words, and then said: "Because Ding Jingtai used to work under my father, those common people naturally wanted to sell my father a little bit, and over time they all thought that Ding Jingtai was very good at picking stones, but in fact , how can Ding Jingtai compare with Mr. Ding."

Ding Liufeng felt comfortable listening, his head was nodding, and he was about to fall asleep. After a long time, he opened his eyelids, and then he said: "That's a good thing, how can a servant compare to me , Fortunately, he has left the black market, otherwise, I would definitely let him lose badly."

Liu Cheng pursed her lips, and a cold smile appeared between her brows and eyes, "That's right, if Mr. Ding makes a move, Ding Jingtai will definitely lose."

"Miss Liu can talk." Ding Liufeng leaned on the cushion with a pleasant smile on his face.

Liu Cheng hooked her lips and smiled happily.

The two talked very happily, and they talked all the way.

Soon, the carriage stopped at the destination.

The coachman opened the curtain of the carriage, and said with a smile, "Gentlemen, the place to pick stones is here."

Jing Ye's eyes were alert, and he opened the curtain of the carriage to look outside.

Baili Qinxue also followed his gaze, and the little black room had indeed arrived.

At this time, Ding Liufeng had already thrown off his robe and jumped down.

He turned around and wanted to help Liu Cheng and the others down, "Miss, be careful, I'll help you down right away."


(End of this chapter)

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