Chapter 1785 Reaping the consequences, hum!

Seeing her anxiety, Baili Qinxue asked with a smile in her eyes: "Miss Ye seems to be a little anxious, why is that?"

Ye Huansha paused, and quickly said: "I'm not anxious, is Miss Baili wrong?"

Baili Qinxue chuckled, still in good spirits, and so was Jing Ye.

Ye Huansha pursed her lips, feeling a little puzzled.

She obviously put that kind of thing in the drink, why are they still in such good spirits?

This is really wrong...

Ye Huansha bit her lip, her eyes flicked on Baili Qinxue more and more unscrupulously.


She felt dizzy in her head, and everything in front of her eyes became blurred. She shook her head, and felt that everything around her was shaking more violently.

"Miss Baili, is this wine too strong? Why do I feel dizzy..." Ye Huansha rubbed her temples, but the feeling still did not ease.

Baili Qinxue looked calm, and said lightly: "This wine is really strong, Miss Ye must be drunk..."

Ye Huansha was tilted back and forth, her eyes were dazed, and she seemed to have lost focus, "Haha, Miss Ben is actually drunk, Miss Ben only had a drink..."

After the words fell, Ye Huansha lay down on the table and passed out.

Baili Qinxue glanced at her with sharp eyes, "Jing Ye went to see if she was dizzy."

Jing Ye leaned over to explore, and said, "Miss Baili, she really fainted."

Baili Qinxue patted her clothes and stood up, said: "I guessed right, this little girl really got drugged in the drink."

Jing Ye narrowed his eyes, "What is she doing with the drug?"

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and lingered on Ye Huansha's body. After a while, she withdrew her gaze and said, "She must have taken a fancy to a certain part of my body, and she wants to cut them off while I'm unconscious."

When Jing Ye heard it, goosebumps stood up again.

This woman is too perverted to want to do such a thing.

Jing Ye eased his emotions, and then asked: "Then Miss Baili, what are you doing now, she is now in a coma, if we go out in a fair manner, will it arouse suspicion?"

Baili Qinxue clasped her hands on the table and tapped lightly.

Jing Ye knew she was thinking, so he didn't disturb her.

The movements of Baili Qinxue's subordinates stopped suddenly, she raised her eyelids, and the eyes were shining with light.

"Mu Liu is here too. I can quickly join Mu Liu by dressing up as I used to in the black-clothed bamboo hat." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and the light in her eyes never faded.

Jing Ye was stunned, but also felt that this method was good, "Miss Baili's method is not bad, but if you suddenly disappear, will it arouse their suspicion?"

Baili Qinxue chuckled, "It's okay, as long as they don't see anyone coming out of the wing room, what would they suspect?"

Jing Ye nodded, "That's true..."

The two quickly changed into their outfits.

Jing Ye quietly opened the door and saw no one passing by outside, so he said to Baili Qinxue: "Miss Baili, everyone outside is picking stones, and no one around is paying attention to what's going on here."

Baili Qinxue lightly touched the bamboo hat on her head, and said, "Then let's go out now."

Jing Ye understood and walked out quietly.

Baili Qinxue flicked her sleeves and followed closely behind.

After going out, Jing Ye gently closed the door, and the two went downstairs calmly, quietly blending into the crowd.

Jing Ye looked into the crowd but didn't see Mu Liu. He pursed his lips and said, "Miss Baili, have you seen Mu Liu?"


(End of this chapter)

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