Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1789 I'm going to find Li Qinxue!

Chapter 1789 I'm going to find Baili Qinxue!

Baili Qinxue looked up and happened to see Ye Huansha preparing to go downstairs.

"The effect of the medicine passed so quickly, she actually woke up." The corner of Baili Qinxue's lips twitched, her eyes lingering on Ye Huansha.

Jing Ye narrowed his eyes and sneered, "It's just an ordinary sweat mask. It's too late to wake up at this time, but she seems to be looking for you."

Baili Qinxue withdrew her gaze, and said in a calm voice, "Then let her look for it, she can't find it anyway..."

Jing Ye withdrew his gaze, his face was as cold as ever, but he was also wearing a bamboo hat, so others couldn't see his face clearly.

But Mu Liu blinked curiously, and asked, "Miss Axue, why did Liu Cheng and the others invite you over, and the woman upstairs, why did they give her sweat medicine?"

Baili Qinxue turned her head, glanced at him lightly, and said, "You really want to know?"

Mu Liu's eyes lit up, and she nodded hurriedly.

Baili Qinxue raised her lips, and said casually: "Why did you invite me over? It's probably to show off that they can meet a big shot who is good at picking rocks. As for that Miss Ye..."

She paused, and Mu Liu looked at her even more curiously.

After Baili Qinxue had sold enough, she opened her mouth and said, "This Miss Ye, I also met her when I was in the Northern Continent, but I changed my appearance. She doesn't know my true face, but I know she is An extremely perverted person who likes to collect various organs from people as collections..."

After hearing this, Mu Liu couldn't help swallowing, "There is such a perverted person..."

Seeing that woman has a pair of pretty eyes, I really can't see that she will be so perverted.

"You can't judge by appearance." Baili Qinxue smiled, threw another stone into the sack, and said with a smile: "I think she has taken a fancy to a part of my body, so she put sweat medicine on me. She was stunned by me again."

"There is such a thing." Mu Liu nodded frequently after hearing this.

Baili Qinxue hooked her lips, and a sharp streak flashed in her eyes.

Come to think of it, Ye Huansha must have appointed Liu Cheng to invite her here.

The reason is to start here.

Dragons and snakes are mixed here, and there will definitely be many sudden incidents. Even if she is killed, she will not know who the murderer is. This Ye Huansha has been disfigured, and she is still so stubborn. She really convinced her.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and said again: "Okay, let's stop talking about Ye Huansha, let's continue picking stones."

Mu Liu nodded, and her gaze at Ye Huansha became a little more complicated.

At this time, Ye Huansha had already come down from upstairs.

She twisted her neck and looked around, maybe she didn't see Baili Qinxue, a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

How did that happen?

Why did Baili Qinxue, who was with her just now, suddenly disappear?

At this time, a voice rang in her ear.

"Miss Ye, what are you doing here?"

Ye Huansha came back to her senses suddenly, and saw Liu Cheng standing by her side at some point, she was startled, and it took a long time for her to recover and said: "I'm looking for someone..."

"Looking for someone?" Liu Cheng blinked suspiciously, and she asked: "Aren't you in the wing with Baili Qinxue, who else do you need to come down to find?"

Ye Huansha looked around again, and said, "I came down to find Baili Qinxue."

Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes, and the doubts in her eyes became more intense, "What are you talking about, are you going to find Baili Qinxue?"

Isn't Baili Qinxue in the wing with her?


(End of this chapter)

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