Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1791 I Won't Teach You an Ugly Monster!

Chapter 1791 I will not teach you to be ugly!
Ye Huansha caressed the veil on his face, then suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Ding Liufeng's sleeve, and said, "Young Master Ding, you are very good at debugging, can you teach me?"

Ding Liufeng lowered his eyes, only to feel that Ye Huansha's eyes were agile and charming.

However, he heard that Ye Huansha was disfigured, and the face under the veil was extremely ugly. If it wasn't for the fact that the Ye family is a big family, he wouldn't be associated with this ugly monster.

Ding Liufeng brushed Ye Huansha's hand away calmly, and said with a smile still on his face: "Miss Ye, you need to pay attention to talent in picking stones, and it can't be learned in a short time."

When he said these words, there seemed to be a look of disgust in his eyes, as if he was looking at a stinky fly.

Ye Huansha was startled, and subconsciously touched her own face, and seemed to have a bottom line in her heart.

This smelly man actually disliked her for being ugly.

Ye Huansha took a deep breath, and finally found her voice, she said: "Young Master Ding is very right, I really don't have the talent for picking stones, that's why I was so abrupt."

Ding Liufeng smiled, and hurriedly said in relief: "It's okay, I will teach Miss Ye again when I have a chance next time."

Ye Huansha smiled dryly, "Thank you, Mr. Ding."

Liu Cheng watched happily from the sidelines.

It's wonderful to see Ye Huansha deflated.

Ding Liufeng responded lightly, and continued to pick stones.

Ye Huansha glanced at it, then quickly looked away.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng opened her mouth and said coolly: "Miss Ye doesn't have the talent in picking stones, so don't pester Mr. Ding to teach him. Mr. Ding is very busy."

Ye Huansha frowned upon hearing this, "Miss Liu, don't forget who introduced you to Ding Liufeng back then, and who kept asking for me."

Liu Cheng was a little annoyed, "You..."

Ye Huansha bent her lips and smiled lowly: "Miss Liu, did you remember?"

Liu Cheng was annoyed, and took a drink, "You don't need to remind me..."

Ye Huansha hooked her lips, and her smile became even more charming.

After saying that, she raised her eyes and suddenly saw a mysterious man in black and a bamboo hat standing beside Ding Liufeng. The two seemed to be confronting each other.

Ye Huansha was startled, and quickly said: "Miss Liu, look over there, Mr. Ding is talking to a very mysterious person."

Quite a mysterious person?
Liu Cheng paused, subconsciously raised her eyes, and her eyes couldn't help flickering.

"That, isn't it Miss Axue?"

Ye Huansha was also taken aback, and asked subconsciously: "Is that the mysterious woman you said just now, who is very good at picking rocks?"

Liu Cheng nodded, "That's her. Didn't she get along with Brother Mu Liu? Why are you here again?"

Ye Huansha narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Mu Liu didn't say she was not good with this girl, right? Everything is just our guess, maybe she is fine, otherwise, why would you come here?"

After Liu Cheng heard this, her face was a little ugly, and her hands were also entangled.

Seeing this, Ye Huansha's smile deepened.

Liu Cheng bit her lips, "The lingering bitch, I don't know what she looks like, but she has been entangled with Brother Mu Liu..."

"I don't know what they are arguing about, I'll go up and have a look first." Ye Huansha said, and walked up.

Liu Cheng was startled, but also followed.

When the two went up, they saw Ding Liufeng and Baili Qinxue holding the same raw stone.


(End of this chapter)

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