Chapter 1794 You didn't put it in!

Baili Qinxue chuckled, and threw the raw stone into the big bag.

She winked at Jing Ye.

Jing Ye understood, and hurriedly shook the burlap bag, and the stone materials thrown into it just now disappeared instantly.

Ding Liufeng looked at the scene in front of him, his face changed and he said: "Miss Axue, what do you mean?"

Baili Qinxue pointed to the sack, and said softly, "The stone material is inside. If Mr. Ding can pick out that piece from the many stone materials, then that piece will be given to you, Mr. Ding."

Ding Liufeng frowned, and said a little unhappy: "The raw material of that stone is my son, so what you did was really unnecessary."

Liu Cheng glanced at Baili Qinxue, and said in agreement: "That's right, it's just unnecessary, Brother Mu Liu, you also take care of her, why do you keep embarrassing Mr. Ding?"

Mu Liu shrugged helplessly, and said: "I think Miss Axue is doing the right thing. I have absolutely no reason to behave against her. What's more, it's so embarrassing. It's obviously Mr. Ding who is being aggressive."

When Ding Liufeng heard this, his expression became even uglier.

It's like saying that he deliberately made trouble for no reason.

"Mu Liu, what do you mean by that?" Ding Liufeng raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly became sharper.

Mu Liu's eyes were stained with a smile, but she didn't speak.

Ding Liufeng's face was ashen, and his eyes were full of anger.

Baili Qinxue had seen enough of the good show, and smiled again: "Mr. Ding is afraid that you won't be able to find the raw material for that stone?"

When Ding Liufeng heard this, his face became even more ugly, and he yelled angrily: "Who says I can't pick you out, just wait for me."

After saying that, he bent down and searched in the sack.

Baili Qinxue stood on the spot with her arms folded, she was calm and did not panic at all.

Jing Ye didn't know what the hell she was planning, but seeing that she was as stable as Mount Tai, the doubts in his heart disappeared immediately.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha got together and chattered.

"Miss Liu, do you think Mr. Ding can find that stone raw material among the many stone raw materials?" Ye Huansha glanced at it and couldn't help but open his mouth to ask.

Liu Cheng pursed her lips and said with a sneer: "Mr. Ding is so powerful, how can such a small setback stop him? Ms. Ye, I'm afraid you are asking this question in vain."

This orange is really arrogant.

Ye Huansha narrowed her eyes, and the sharp eyes slowly overflowed, "Miss Liu is right, Mr. Ding is indeed very powerful..."

But Ding Liufeng, who was favored by the two of them, was struggling to pick him up, until cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Damn it, every stone in the sack is of excellent quality, almost the same as before.

Ding Liufeng stared blankly, his eyes were a little sore, and his head began to feel dizzy.


Which piece was just now?

Ding Liufeng picked out a piece and weighed it in his hand.

With a calm face, Baili Qinxue asked softly, "Mr. Ding, do you think this is it?"

Such a calm, yet somewhat cold voice made the pores of Ding Liufeng's body stand up in shock, he pursed his lips, and said falteringly: " shouldn't be this one, let me look for it... "

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and said with a light smile, "Yes, anyway, there is still more time, so you can look for as long as you want, Mr. Ding."

Ding Liufeng's expression changed, but he didn't care too much.

He lowered his head and started looking for stones again.

But after searching for a long time, he has no clue. Where did the stone just go?
Could it be that this woman didn't put it in at all?


(End of this chapter)

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